Part 24

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Part 24


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I walked right outside the double doors and took a seat on the curb. I breathed in and out and watched as my breath became visible. It was the beginning of January and it was freezing. But I wasn't in the mood to go back inside.
I knew I'd probably get in trouble for leaving the building but that didn't matter to me right now.

I sat there with my arms folded and my knees squeezed together. Looking at the road in front of me and the building across the street that housed the girls.

I said there for about a minute until I saw someone walking down the road. He was unfamiliar to me.
"Hey, Do you go here?" He said.
"Uh yeah. I'm sitting outside arent I?" I said still kinda with an attitude. "Who are you?"

"I-I'm new." He asked. "I was told to come talk to the principal."
"Great, another new kid." I rolled my eyes and stood up.

He was short. And a little scrawny.

"Follow me I guess." I said motioning him to the aforementioned double doors.


We walked into the commons and right towards the principal. I knocked and waited for a reply from the secretary.

"Well good morning Jungkook." She said to me. I gave a small wave.
"This guy said he's new." I told her and saw the principal get up from his desk.

"Oh great!" He replied walking over. "Well since you were so much help with Hoseok, do you mind helping out this young man as well?" I shrugged.

"His dorm is the one right above you."
"With Taehyung?!" I asked. The principal nodded. "What happened to his old roommate?"
"Switched rooms. And at the right time."
I looked over at the new guy. "Good luck bro." I said.

"Let me go get his schedule and you two can wait right here." My principal said walking away. I was surprised he didn't ask me why I wasn't in class, but I'm glad he didn't.

"Um, why'd you say good luck?" He asked.
"Tae gets into a lot of stuff, you might get hit in the crossfire. But he's a nice guy so just get on his good side." I replied.
Our principal came back.

"Here's your schedule young man." He said. "Looks like you are to be in chemistry right now. You as well Kook." Guess I spoke to soon.
"Take him to his dorm then you go off to class you hear me?"
"Yes sir." I replied.

We began to walk, pushing through the doors that led to the steps.
"So are you like some athlete or something?" I asked. "Only time we get a new student in the middle of the year is if they play some sport."
He clearly didn't look like he played anything but I still asked for the talk.

"Um no I don't play anything." He responded. "Just got into some trouble at my old school. They kinda drove me away."
"Drove you away how?" I asked.

"I don't really know you, I don't think I should tell." He said and kept walking up the stairs.
"Well you'll be rooming with my boyfriend now, so I guess We should be acquainted." He looked at me with his eyes wide. "Oh." He said.

"It's really not important." He said as we pushed open the doors and walked to Taehyung dorm. I opened it up and there he laid on his bed, with his arm over his eyes.

"Hey kook." He said with a small smile. "Who's this?" He sat up slowly.
"Your new roomie." I said. "I never caught your name actually."

"Oh uh, it's Yoongi."


After getting him settled I heard the bell ring and it was time for our next class. After that school was over and the rest of the day was for us.
I walked to my next class which was world history but nothing exciting really happened in there since I'm by myself and only with second years like me. It really showed me how much I didn't hang out with people my own age.

After class I got a text from Tae saying he wanted to hang and we should bring Jimin along. I didn't mind since I hadn't gotten to really catch up with Jimin.

I stopped at Jimin's door to grab him, then we both went up stairs to hang with Tae. I should've expected yoongi to still be there since he didn't know anyone.

I pushed the door open and ran right to taehyung. I wrapped my arms around him and he grunted from the pain he still had. I turned around to see Jimin frozen in the doorway looking over at Yoongi. Yoongi did the same on his bed.

"Um, you two guys okay?" I asked. They never broke contact.

I couldn't believe who was sitting before me. Like I actually couldn't believe it. Why the hell was he here right now? Or even at all.
I made a run for it out of the door and didn't look back. I could feel the confusion on Tae and Kook.

I made it to my dorm downstairs and locked the door, Hoseok was there lying on his bed. Only a minute of relief because an abrupt knock was at my door.
"Jimin? You alright bro?" Taehyung said from the other side. "It's just me and Kook."

I saw Hoseok jump up and looked back towards the door. "Maybe another time." I replied.
"Why? what's going on Hyung?" Kook asked me.

"Hoseok's here." I said. "This really isn't a good time."
"Then come out, we can talk out here bro."

"Is 'He' out there?"

"The new guy?" Tae asked. "No, I just said it's me and Kook."
That went completely over my head, I was still in shock.

I pushed the door open slowly and stepped out, looking both ways down the hall. Then looking up at the both of them.
"Um, bro you okay? How do you know that guy?"
"Yea he doesn't look very threatening." Jungkook replied.

Kook knew nothing about my childhood, nor my past with Yoongi and his family. He's literally only knowing now I'm interested in guys.
"Guys I really don't wanna talk about it. I just can't be around him okay." I told them.
The two still looked confused.

"Hyung, why can't you just tell us what happened?" Kook asked, "You never mentioned him before, and he has to of had that big an impact for you to react like this."
"I know him from my childhood, that's all. I don't wanna talk about this anymore."

I walked into my dorm and shut the door solemnly. I didn't know what to do. I had one more year here, and so would he. A year that I would have to be around him. He's going to tell, I can feel my dads anger from here; it made me shiver.
I'm gonna be humiliated again, I'm gonna have to change schools again. I may even have to move homes at this point. I can't take anymore harassment from my peers. I was finally getting comfortable without Jin too.


Happy holidays guys! I don't even want to apologize because you already know it's gonna be about school😅

It's so hard to find free time!

So why not now while I have a week off to drop a couple of chapters.

I love you all, stay healthy, drink water, have a safe holiday:)

-Pineaxpples <3

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