Part 10

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Part 10
Bet you didn't see this coming. Its a short followed by Jimin and Tae. :)


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Ever since Taehyung has been hanging around Kook and now me, things have been way different. And I don't just mean Kook's personality all though that changed but, just being around Taehyung. Never in my life would I think I'd eat lunch with him, or just be around him at all.

I already had to share Kook with Lisa before, but now Taehyung?! The guy that taunted Jungkook and mistreated him, and now they're like, best friends? It doesn't make much sense to me. But if Kook's happy then so am I.

Winter break is coming up now and the guys wanted to have a get together right before the winter game because we wouldn't be able to see each other. So that night me, Kook, and now Taehyung went out to get snacks then camped out in my dorm.

Things like this aren't usually allowed but it was the last night so what were they gonna do? Send us home on the last night?

Once the two appeared at my dorm we started watching movies and eating snacks. But no one was really paying attention. We were mostly throwing marshmallows at each other. Not my proudest moment but its quite funny. It then turned into a marshmallow war with us hiding behind furniture and throwing it at each other. Completely missing Sixteen Candles playing on the tv.

Taehyung ended up losing in the end and getting a little upset over it. So we had to comfort him with the marshmallows that got thrown all over my dorm. Little did I know I'd have to be cleaning it all up myself because I now have no roommate and these guys wouldn't help me. I know this because they said they wouldn't help.

We spent the rest of the night goofing off and Taehyung talking about how he would "destroy" the other team tomorrow. We laughed and encouraged him on and knew he'd win. Because well, he'd never lost before.

Soon enough we all fell asleep and awaited the morning were there would be no classes because students had to practice for the game and or began packing for winter break. I wasn't to ecstatic for packing mostly because I didn't wanna return home. So I just put it off and watched as Kook began to do his.


"I cannot wait to get home and see my parents." He said as he threw random things into a suitcase.
"Don't you FaceTime them like, everyday though?" I said and he got embarrassed.
"Well yeah but, I get to see them in person." He said. I just laughed it off and took a seat on his bed.

I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen when I'd see my parents. I knew the only reason they sent me to a boarding school was so they wouldn't have to see or be seen with me. But I didn't wanna think about it. I just wanted to go down to the gymnasium and be able to cheer on Taehyung and the rest of team.

Once Kook was ready we headed down to go sit in the bleachers.

I couldn't wait for this game. I was so hyped up and so excited. This game was going to determine whether we were going to make it to the playoffs or not. And I could tell the whole team were counting on me and I could not let the down.

Once the cheerleaders stopped the cheer it was time for us to run out onto the court. I was first to get my named called and ran out. The first thing I did was look up to see if I could see Jeon in the bleachers. And he was there, yelling my name the loudest. People where actually giving him a couple of looks.

Soon everyone came out then next the competing team in there red and black uniforms and us in blue in white. The game started with us getting the ball first and it getting passed to me almost immediately. I passed it off to someone else because I didn't wanna seem like that person when the game only just started.

It went on for a while until the first of four quarters ended with us behind 5 points: 9-14.
I was already beaming with sweat and coach decided to sit me out for a few minutes so I could be at my best. I left the gym and walked over to the locker room where there was an AC so I could get cool air and a drink or water.

As I walked in I noticed someone in there by the trophy case but didn't wanna make a big thing out of it. "Hey bro, games out there. No one should be in here." I said as I walked over to the water fountain. I took a sip and noticed he didn't move.

I wiped my mouth and got a little closer. "Did you hear me? You gotta go no ones allowed in here." Nothing again. I started to get a bit irritated and walked closer towards him. He wore a bright red bomber jacket and black jogger pants. And very expensive sneakers.

"Dude, you gotta go." I said right behind him. He finally turned around.
"Are you the Taehyung I keep hearing about?" He said with a smug look. My eyes grew wide and I took a couple steps back.

I-It's not him. It can't be him. How the hell did he get here?! How does he know I go here?! "H-Hoseok?"


I said it would be short😅 but did you you like it any? I tried to make it interesting.

Also a bit of sad news. Im gonna have to postpone this story for a while to focus on school. I kinda start tomorrow and if you went to my school you'd know why im saying this🥺😅

I'll try to reopen this story im sometime in October or the end of September but no set date.

and sorry for leaving on a cliffhanger.🙈

But thank you for reading and happy birthday jungkook🥳🥳🥳😍

Byeeee for now😇😔

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