Part 9

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Part 9
Guys, Im not gonna write smut. it kinda makes me uncomfortable. That's good for a opening statement

 That's good for a opening statement

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I would think I would be more freaked out about what happened between me and Taehyung. But I wasn't. I was more concerned about the way he reacted. I always tried to get a hold of him but he the last couple of days but he won't talk to me. Even in the halls. And our project is due in two days. I guess I'm finishing it on my own.

After classes during lunch, instead of going there with Jimin, I went to my dorm to work on the project. I worked endlessly. Still trying to get in contact with my partners. No one answered. Not even once. I texted the group chat we made for each other over a billion times and still nothing. I finally gave up until I heard a knock at my door.

I opened it up and it was him. Taehyung. But he did not look happy.

"Are you here to help me with the project?" I asked him.
"N-No Jungkook." He said. "But I think we need to talk."

I led him in and closed the door behind him. And immediately he began to pace back and forth and stumble over his words. "S-So what happened t-the other day." He started. I pulled him down to my bed to have a seat and speak clearly.

"I-I didn't mean for it to happen, a-and sorry I freaked out." He finally started to calm down. I guess this was my turn to speak. But he kept going. "And I want things to go back the way they were before. Where you hated me and I picked on you for fun."

"I don't actually hate you, Taehyung." I told him. He looked me right in the eyes. "I just didn't like when you teased me and stuff. I actually wanted to be your friend back in middle school but we never talked."

It was true, I lied before. I tried to trick my mind into hating him. I just didn't want it to seem like I like him. It would've only confused me more. But, I did really dislike him for the things he did to me. Like that day in the locker room.

"You could've talked to me in the beginning of the freshman year when I started here!" He said. "Then maybe I wouldn't of befriended those idiots now. All I wanted to do was seem bigger and not be the kid I once was. And sooner then later I found friends. I only did those things to you and other kids because they convinced me. I wanted friends and that was the only way I got them."

I felt for him. I really did. I couldn't think of anyway I could relate to him, but it hurt me. I wonder how it would've been if I did just go and talk to him when it all started. Maybe me, Tae, and Jimin Hyung could've all been friends. And maybe I would've broken Lisa's heart.

"We can always be friends now, Tae." I told him. He gave me a soft smile.
"That would be awesome." He said. "Maybe I can even teach you how to ball."
"No thanks." I told him laughing then standing up. "But can you please help me with this project."


We got it finished that night and got to present in a couple of days. Tae of course had to fix all of my bad drawings and we got most of the credit for actually doing the work. But I was used to it by now.

Me and Tae even started to hang out more. He comes to sit with me and Jimin at lunch some times. And his other friends gives him a hard time.

"Yo Tae!" One of them called. "Leave those nerds and come over here with us! We found some campus girls' nudes!" He started to wave his phone across the couple of tables. Everyone was looking.
"No thanks. Im busy." Tae said then turned back around.

The guy slammed his hand down onto the table knocking one of the other kids food tray off of the table then standing up and walking over. "What's with you man? Why you hanging with these punks?" He said. Tae stood up after them.
"Go have a seat." He said. They both where now in each others faces.

"And if I don't." He said then pushing him. Everyone in the back where cheering for them to fight. Soon enough Tae pushed him back. And a fight broke loose.

Some guys chanted for him and others chanted for Taehyung. But then teacher came and broke it up. "You two in my office right now." The principal said finally stepping in. He took both of the boys in each arm and walked them down the hall.


I hadn't heard from Taehyung and I was getting worried. And soon enough I seen him walk into class and take a seat across from me.

"What happened?" I asked. "Are you in trouble?"
"Luckily my status here got me out of trouble." He said. "If I wasn't staring in the winter game next week then I would've been suspended. And thats what he told me too."

I felt relieved that he wasn't gonna have to leave. I wonder what happened to the other guy though. He no special and his grades aren't either. I feel for him but I could care less if he had to go.

But it was bow the middle of class and I kept glancing over at Tae to see if he was actually working. He told me about his past and how he went through all the trouble to try to fit in, and was actually very smart.
Sometimes he'd be working and other times he'd be nodding off or just playing with pens.

The only thing I could do without getting in trouble for talking was passing a note to him. So when the teacher turned his back, I threw a crumbled piece of paper at him telling him to pay attention. Once he read it he rolled his eyes and threw it back hitting me on my head.

He began to chuckle as I took out another piece of paper, crumbled it, and threw it right at him. It was an all out war now of the both of us laughing softly and throwing papers back and forth.

"You two, cut it out." My teacher said finally catching us.
"What we didn't do anything." Taehyung said pretending to be oblivious even though his acting was terrible. Our teacher just rolled his eyes and got back to what he was doing. We just laughed about it afterwards.


When you realize you have to end this story some time soon🥺

I didn't know people where gonna like it this much.

But, I kinda didn't know how to end this chapter so, you kinda got this😅

I'm very glad they got to work out there differences and all and become friends though. Next chapter Will come sooner because its just gonna be a short instead of a whole chapter. But will still be out within 9 days. So look out for it coming September 2, 2019. Thnx😁

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