Part 5

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Part 5
thank you guys for continuing to read.😋
And sorry I'm so late to update😅
Also not edited so there might be typos.
I also decided to update every nine days since that kinda whats been happening already.

I also decided to update every nine days since that kinda whats been happening already

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Today after classes I invited Jungkook and the others to my dorm so we could work on the project. Since we put it off for almost 3 days and it was due on Monday. Literally the only ones who showed was Kook and the other guy. I don't really waste time learning names. But I'd expect the other girl to at least show, speaking how thirsty she was. I almost actually invited her back to my dorm the other day.

For our project we decided to go for an everyday usable device that could help people sleep at night. Sorta like a noise machine but I wanted it to look more cool and complicated. We hadn't come up with a name for it or really even started much, its why I invited everyone over.

Once we all settled in we pushed my desk and my roommates old desk together. We then laid out all of our work to start. But we were lost. We had an idea about what we were going to do but, we were stumped. I started drawing out stuff onto a bunch of papers but none of them looked the way I wanted them to. I was starting to get aggravated. I swiped all of the papers onto the floor and started to pace around the room.

"Dude chill." Kook had said to me but I could care less.
"Y-Yeah. We can just draw a new design." The guy said.

"It helpless!" I yelled. "How do you even freaking draw this?!"
Kook got up and tried to calm me down but I was to worked up. I pushed him off of me and onto the floor. "I-I'm gonna go." The guy said. He grabbed his backpack and bolted out of the door.

"Tae, just chill. I can help you. We can do this together." He said to me. He got off of the floor and picked up the papers. He then laid them across the desks and started to look at the ones I crumbled. "This one isn't so bad. Just try it again."

I rolled my eyes at him and took a seat. "Don't worry about me. You should be working on the pitch." I told him.
"Your part is important too." He told me. "Most people are just doing generic things for an easy A. Let's at least try."

I shrugged at him and just tried to continue from one of the pictures.

We worked for at least an hour. Kook read his pitch over and over to me and I always asked his opinion on my drawing to see of it was good. We ended up just having a good time. I never thought I could do that with Jeon Jungkook.

We decided to leave the project there for now and finish another day. Mostly because it's getting late and we'd been working for a while. we sat and watched some movies and eating snacks from the vending machine. But there was nothing really good to watch anymore so we just started talking.

"So, What're you planning, for winter break?" He asked seeming almost, scared?
"Nothing much." I told him after chuckling by the way he asked me. I hope he still isn't upset about the whole locker room thing a month ago. But I wouldn't blame him if he was. I'm an asshole.

He just nodded at my answer and kept looking at the tv. "Jeon, do you, not like me?" I asked him. He jumped back and grew red. "I-I like you Hyung." He said. I stood up and walked over to him.
"Dude chill." I said. "Im not gonna hit you or anything. It's just, I act impulsive sometimes and I wanted to know that your not just hanging with me for nothing."

He calmed down for a moment and then spoke. "I didn't think that." He said. "It's just that your right. You do kind of act before you speak and it makes people -What's the word?- scared? I don't know."

I huffed my breath and sat back onto the couch. Scared? I don't want people to be scared of me. Is that why four eyes left? Because he was scared. But why didn't Jeon leave me? He came and took a seat right beside me and looked me right in my eyes with much sympathy.

"Why didn't you leave me here alone?" I asked him. "Because I'm not scared of you dude. Your just kinda, annoying sometimes." I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed. But it soon died down. I finally got the courage to sit up and stop thinking so much on it. Now there was just awkward silence. Besides the tv that was playing "Ouija." Some scary movie that wasn't really scary in my opinion.

Jeon had moved over a few inches so we weren't so close, and I stayed the same. I looked over at him and saw him taking down a whole pack of M&M's. My M&M's.
"D-Dude those where mine!" I called. He looked at me and laughed than ran away. "Give me them!"

I chased him around the dorm trying to get my candy back. Finally I pinned him against the wall. He then dropped the now empty bag into my hands. "Dude what the hell." I said. "Those where mine." He continued to laugh at me which kinda made me laugh. "I guess your the annoying one now." I told him. He did a full body laugh and I caught him before he fell to the floor.

Never in my life did I think I'd actually get to be friends with Jeon Jungkook.

He still managed to slip out of my grasp and fall to the floor. Now we both laid practically on top of each other laughing hysterically. Soon once again the laugher left and silence filled the room. We stared at each other thoughtfully and I felt it was to awkward to move, so we sat for a while. I saw his face grow red at the sight of me in front of him.

"I-I'm sorry bro." I said feeling myself grow red and trying to back away from him. "Oh." He said. "Its fine. I should probably get going anyway."

I nodded then climbed off of him. I actually didn't want him to leave so soon. I was having a good time with him. I walked him over to the door and we stood there for a moment. He looked sad and it was evident by his body language he wasn't ready to go. "Maybe we can work together again tomorrow." He suggested and my face lit up.

"Of course!" I told him a little to excited. "I can even, get more snacks."
"Perfect." He said. He reached out for a hug and I wrapped my arms around him tightly. We soon had to say our final goodbyes and I walked him towards the door. There was no words. Just deep eye contact. I didn't wanna look away.

Finally he broke the gaze with a tight hug. "Okay," he said with a chuckle. "I'll see you soon." I nodded and he started to walk off. Constantly looking back.

Now who would I be if I didn't tease him just a bit. I ran towards him and hugged him from behind, then brushed his hair from his face. "T-Tae." He said. I could fell his body getting warmer. "Just messing with you bro." I said slyly then walked back to my dorm. I could see him frozen in place, right before I walked in.


The last couple of picture will be of covers that I made but I cant use all of them so😅

But thank you for reading this chapter and I'll be sure to fix this schedule I made for myself.

And also for 126 reads!! I know it may not be allot to some but this is special to me. So thnx🥰

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