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Thor takes me to the largest building in Asgard. I am assuming it's the castle. He shows me around for a bit, and then takes me to see Jane. She's lying down on a table when I come in. It looks like they are scanning her or something. Once she sees me she tries to sit up, then the people scanning her put her back down.

"Kaitlyn!" She says lying still. I walk to her side and hold her hand.

"Hi." I say to her, smiling. "This is absolutely insane." I start to kind of laugh. Once Jane sees me laugh, she laughs as well.

"Yeah, I know." Is all she can manage to say. I can't blame her. All this is a little overwhelming.

"Are you okay? Cause I'm not. Apparently I have to give therapy sessions to a murderous psycho." I look at her, half worried, half in disbelief.

"Well, coincidentally, he's the brother of the man I like." Me and her laugh again at this weird coincidence.

Thor walks up to me and Jane, resting his hand on my shoulder to get my attention. "The guards here will escort you to your living quarters." He gestures to two guards on my left.

"Wait, but I want to stay with Jane." I say still gripping Jane's hand.

"Yes, I understand that. But my father is already upset by Jane's presence. He can never know of yours. Do you understand?" I nod my head reluctantly.

I look at Jane and try to muster a smile. "Go." She says, letting go of my hand. "I'll be fine."

I leave with the guards, who take me to my living quarters. As we leave I hear another man coming into the room and talking very loudly. Or rather, angrily, at Thor. It must be Thor's father. I'm worried for Jane, but I know that she has Thor to protect her. Once we arrive at my new living quarters, the guards leave me alone and stand outside the room. I notice that the whole room is decorated in lavish furnishings. There is a king sized bed, a couch, a vanity, a bathroom, and a walk in closet.

I go into the bathroom and take a shower to freshen up. As I shower I keep thinking of what my new patient, Loki, will be like. Will he be as handsome as Thor. Will he be a complete psycho, as I had previously thought. Will he be a sadist. Will he be deceitful.

Thoughts kept rushing into my head. Honestly, the thoughts of him just scared me. I walk out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. Then I walk into the closet and notice that there are some clothes there. They are Asgardian clothes, not my style. So I add a little earth flair to them. I try them on and look in the full length mirror, surveying my work. I was pretty satisfied with the outcome.

I heard a knock on my door. "Kaitlyn." The sound of Thor's familiar voice echoed into the room.

"Come in." I say. He comes in and looks at my outfit. He has a blank expression on his face, so I have no idea what he thinks. "What do you need?" I ask, after about a minute of awkwardly standing there.

"Oh, I wanted to tell you a little bit about Loki. Just so you have some information about his character." I didn't really want my thoughts to come true, but I suppose I should know this information.

"Okay." I say. He begins to tell me about Loki's past. What had happened between them after Loki found out he was adopted. Surprisingly, his actual skin color is blue. Interesting. He kept on talking to me about his childhood, motives, and ambitions. By the end of it, I felt at least a little bit more ready to confront my patient.

"Thanks for the information, Thor." I say as he heads out the door.

"Your welcome, Kaitlyn. Tomorrow is when I will let you talk to him. Whenever you are ready."

"Okay. Thanks." He winked at me, shutting the door behind him.

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