The Dark World

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(Back to Kaitlyn's P.O.V)

I wake up to find Loki next to me in my bed. I sit up, and with my movements I notice him start to wake up as well. There are ten guards standing all around the room. That's strange. Then suddenly I realize what happened the night before. They let Loki out so he could save me.

He sits up and his chains rattle at his movements. Wait, chains?  "Good morning Kaitlyn." He smiles at me with just the cutest smile.

"Good morning." I say as I give him a kiss. He hugs me tightly around the waist. Thor walks in with Jane at his side.

"Were you guys together all night?" Jane looks worried. "Did you know about this Thor?"

"Yes, but that is besides the point." Jane scoffs at Thor's response. 

"Loki. We need you to come with us to the Dark World so we can destroy Malekith." I look at Loki who just looks plainly at his brother.

"Are you kidding me. The one time you give me my freedom is so that you can save your girlfriend." Loki says, clearly exasperated.

"I freed you so you could save YOUR girlfriend." Thor gestures towards me.

"It's okay Loki. Go, then come back to me. Alive and well." I put my hand on his shoulder and give him a kiss. He kisses me back, and then walks towards Thor. He holds out his hands which are still bound in chains. Thor releases him as he rubs his wrist, where the tight chains had made him red.

They head out the door, and that was the last I saw of them for a couple of days.


One day, I was walking around the palace, waiting for Loki and the others to come back, when I see Thor. I run up towards him and ask him, "Where is Loki, and Jane?"

"Jane is back on earth." He replied. Then his face grew dark and I knew something was bothering him.

"But where is Loki?" I ask, fear in my voice.

"I'm sorry." Is all he can say to me. I couldn't hold back the tears. They started flooding my cheeks as Thor wrapped me in a tight embrace. I cried into his armor for a few minutes.

He finally broke the silence. "Kaitlyn, I must go see Odin. I have to go tell him I do not wish to be king." All I can do is nod as I watch him walk away.

I forgot to ask when I could go back to earth, so I quickly followed after him. He entered the throne room and started to talk to Odin. I decided not to make my presence known since it would only cause more trouble. I spy on Thor and Odin until they finish.

(This is original dialogue from Thor: The Dark World.)

I hear Thor address his father. "Father, I cannot be king of Asgard." He says while standing up after kneeling. "I will protect Asgard and all the realms with my last and every breath. But I cannot do so from that chair. Loki in all his grave imbalance understood rule as I know I never will. The brutality, the sacrifice, it changes you. I'd rather be a good man than a great king." He finishes his long speech.

Then I hear Odin say something. "Is this my son I hear? Or the woman he loves?"

Thor then replies saying, "This is not for Jane, father. She does not know what I came here to say. Now forbid me to see her, or say she can rule at my side, it changes nothing."

Odin sits at his throne. "One son who wanted the throne too much, another who will not take it. Is this my legacy?" Odin asks Thor.

"Loki died with honor." Thor responds. I tear up at this. "I shall try to live the same. Is that not legacy enough?"

Odin only nods at this. Thor takes his hammer and offers it to Odin. He waves it off. "It belongs to you, if you are worthy of it."

"I shall try to be."

"I cannot give you my blessing. Nor can I wish you good fortune." Odin states.

Thor simply replies. "I know."

"If I were proud of the man my son had become, even that I could not say. It would speak only from my heart. Go my son." Odin urges Thor.

"Thank you father." Thor says as he walks away.

I duck behind a pillar so that Thor does not see me. I plan to creep out and ask him about my passage home, when I hear Odin say something.

"No, thank you." The sound of Odin's voice sounded familiar. I look from behind the pillar to see Odin's body transform into Loki. He tricked Thor. I was just happy he was alive.

Once Thor was out of the room, I ran down the long pathway. "Loki!" I scream as he stands up to greet me in his arms.

"Kaitlyn." He says hugging me tight.

"I thought you were dead." I say as he wipes the tears from my eyes. "Why did you trick Thor like that? He thought you were dead as well" I ask him, peering into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I had to. It was the only way I wouldn't be imprisoned anymore." He said.

"You could have given him the chance." I say.

"Stay with me." He says. "On Asgard. We can rule, and I can keep you safe for as long as I live." All I could think about was a life with Loki. I nod my head and he twirls me around in glee.

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