Part 11

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It's been three days since your interrogation with Peter, and Gamora didn't want you to have any contact with him until we figured out our next move. You agreed because you still didn't know how you felt about this whole situation.

As an FBI agent, you couldn't be happier. You figured out who was behind this, got him confessed, and found out the truth. This case will only lead to bigger better things in the future, but why weren't you happy?

As a civilian, you lost your best friend. You betrayed his trust, and he's likely to never speak to you again. Sure, Peter upset you, too, but for some reason, you missed his stupid smirking scruffy face. He did have a good reason for doing what he did, but he still did it. You couldn't help but wonder what might have happened between the two of you if he told the truth sooner. Would things have worked out differently or would we be in this same position?

You sat at your desk scanning over all your notes. No one was coming up with anything, no new leads on the Soul Stone, and no new plans on our next move. We were at a standstill. You leaned in your chair and stared up at the ceiling letting out a long sigh. "What are we doing? We have nothing. We are looking for something that might not even exist. What's the point?"

"The point is to put these criminals behind bars and save your lover's mom," Gamora responded, forcing you to roll your eyes.

"My lover. Thanks...thanks for that," you scoffed. "But for real, why are we wasting our time? We have nothing to go on."

"Oh come on YN! Give it time, this is what real FBI work is. Sitting behind a desk and going through the same papers for hours on end. This is so much fun isn't it," Gamora smiled, ruffling through her papers.

"No, this is not fun."

"I might have some idea where the Soul Stone is," Kraglin chimed in, flipping through some papers in front of him.

"And you're just telling us now!" You sat up in your chair giving him the stink eye.

"I only realized it now." He looked at you and Gamora before continuing. "I went through the previous owners and the history behind the stones again, and I realized something. The Soul Stone was in the unseeable world."

"Which doesn't exist," you exclaimed in frustration.

"But it does, I told you recently that the Wakanda nation went public, and they stated they hid from the world. It's possible they could've been hiding for all those years in an unseeable world. I mean, it would explain what Valkyrie experienced."

You stared at him in shock with your mouth hanging open. "And that's why I keep him around," Gamora smiled as Kraglin nodded at her with a smirk on her face. "Well, let's get in contact with King T'Challa, and go from there."

After speaking with T'Challa through webcam, he insisted we come to Wakanda. This topic was something he was happy to speak about but not through video surveillance. He insisted we talk in person, so you, Kraglin, and Gamora hopped on a plane T'Challa sent and made sure to inform Yondu about the impromptu trip.

Traveling into the capital, Golden City, of Wakanda you didn't expect to see what you were seeing. Rainforests and large bodies of water surrounded the city and the skyscrapers stood tall mixing in with African culture. It was breathtaking. The number of technology advancements in this place was mind-blowing. You never imagined a place like this could even exist in real life.

All three of you stepped off the plane and greeted King T'Challa and a few of his warriors from the Dora Milaje. They lead you through the palace hallways, and you admired the painting of the past kings and queens lining the walls. Everything in the palace was a mix of nature and technology. It was something else, and you don't think you would've believed it unless you saw it first hand. Two of the fierce woman warriors opened the doors to a room you suspected to be the throne room. Once the door shut, T'Challa got right to business.

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