Let The Lightning Flow Part:1

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Both Gon and Killua break from they warming hug and look in the direction of Gon's house as they here Mito-san say,

Mito-san: Gon!, Killua!, Dinners Ready!

Then in union both Gon and Killua said,

Gon&Killua:Ok Mito-san, we're coming!

Then they both started to run to Gon's house as both of them still had a smile on their face. As they opened the door they were hit with this amazing odor coming from pot containing delicious Spaghetti. As they were about to take a seat to eat immediately Mito-san said,

Mito-san:Before you eat boys please take a shower, then after that you can eat and go to bed.

Gon&Killua:Ok Mito-san!

Then they both rushed up stairs to the bathroom.

*Killua's Pov*

Once we arrived in the bathroom Gon as usual turned on the water and undressed. Then I felt a warm sensation and felt as the blood in my body rushed to my cheeks.I just stood there looking at Gon and wonder "what's happening?"It was weird that this happened since me and Gon had been taking showers together kinda since the first time Gon brought to his home so this was unsual. Then I realized that Gon was staring at me and then ask as he was fully naked.

Gon: Aren't you going your clothes off dumby?, It's not like your going to shower with your clothes.

As soon as Gon said this I snapped back into reality and turned bright red.I quickly take of my clothes and basically dolphin divide into the tub with steaming water. After this incredibly awkward shower😅, then me and Gon went to go eat spaghetti which we devour in minutes. After we ate , we went to bed and as I entered I see my sleeping bag was gone.

Me:Uuuh, Gon where my sleeping bag?

Gon:It's in the closet

Me:Why is it the closet?

Gon:Oh cause I thought it be a good idea if we slept together on my bed.

I immediately blushed bright red as Gon said this, I've never slept with him on the same bed, well except for during the Hunter Exam but that was because the room was tiny. But at the same time feel like this is another step to our relationship since both of us confirmed our feeling for each other. As I thought this Gon took a few steps toward me and kissed on the cheek

Gon:Your cute when you blush

I blush immensely more and turn my head so that I'm not facing him after he said this.

Me:Ba-Baka! Don't say that!

Gon:Why? I'm only being honest. Now come on silly we have to go to sleep.

Then Gon turns of the lights and I feel Gon lightly grab my wrist, which then he pulls me into the bed. As we lay in bed we turn around so that now we are facing each other, I feel my nose lightly grazing his nose and I feel him, wrap his arms around my waist

Gon:I love you...Killua

Me:I love you too...Gon

*No One Pov*

It was 12:59 p.m in the afternoon, as the tanned teen started to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes to see a pale teen resting on his chest. Gon slowly raised his arm as he slipped his hand threw the pale boys white, snowy hair. Gon then looked at the watch on a desk next to the bed. He then whisper,

Gon: Crap! It starts at 1:20.

The tanned teen got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Killua's eyes flutter open as he wakes up, he noticed the change in temperature as he started to realize his tanned love was not by his side. He slowly got up and sat on the bed as he rubbed his eye, he then saw the tanned teen step into the room as the teen dried of his hair with a towel.

Gon: Good morning Killua! or well afternoon but still how do you feel?

Killua then said in groggy voice,"Good."

*Gons POV*

I was in awe at Killua as he looked so adorable as he woke up, his snowy white hair dangling in front of his ocean blue eyes.

Killua:Why are you looking at me like that?

Me: Because you Look so adorable!

I said as I watched Killua's cheeks lite up red. He turned his face to hide his blush as he said,

Killua:Ba-Baka! How can you saw that without being embarrassed...

Me:I don't know? Maybe because it's the truth. Now go take a shower and get ready it's going to open soon.

Killua:Ok but why do I need to get ready? And what's going to open soon?

Me: Just do as I say and you'll find out.

After I said this Killua grabbed a pillow and threw it at me which I block with my arm.

Killua:BAKA! Why can't you just tell me now!

Me: Because it's a surprise

Killua: Everything is a surprise with you...Gon

I just smiled at Killua's comment as he got up and went to the bathroom. 'Today is going to be an exciting day!' I thought to myself. As soon as Killua got out of the shower and got dressed I looked at my watch to check the time, 1:28 pm.

Me:No! were already late!

Killua: Late to wha-

Before Killua could finish I grabbed his hand and rushed through the door and went outside. I think I sort of caught him by surprise with this because when I grabbed Killua's hand and rushed outside, I think he nearly fell 😅.

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