The x High x Road

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Authors Note: Listen to the video above if your want to hear how Godspeed sounds like(Go to 1:45 minutes or just watch everything if you want).

*No One's POV*

Godspeed using both hands, grabbed Killua by his collar and slammed him against a tree.

Godspeed: You try running away again, and your little friend back there gets the worse of it.

Killua: He's not a friend!...

Killua exclaimed, Godspeed tilted his head a bit as it confused, he then remembered....

Godspeed:Oh right I forgot, He's your lover.... Even better for Us to torture....

Killua: Don't you dare touch Him!

Godspeed: Huh you have fight in you... Let's go for a run

Godspeed then ran, and in a flash Killua was left in a dark room. Killua looked around the room... It seemed familiar.

*Killua's POV*

     The room walls were rocky as if I was in a cave or something. The lights were dim and the chains around my wrist and ankle were oddly cold and they were slightly red. I tried to break free but these chains.... They wouldn't.... they wouldn't.... break. I tried and tried to break them but they wouldn't break. I looked in front of me to see a silhouette of person staring at me. Its black eyes started into me.... It seemed as if it was looking for fear...

Me: Who are you!? What do you want!?

Zoom:I thought we had established thiss... I am ZOOM!

Me: Than what do you want...

Zoom walked closer to until he was inches away from my face and  In a menacing way it said,

Zoom: Everything

I tried to hit him but I was restrained by the chains bounding me to the wall

Zoom:Ooh a feisty one, this will be fun.... And don't bother to try to get out... Those chains are more than strong enough to hold you..

*Gon's POV*

I woke up to see that Killua wasn't next to me, only a mark shaped like him on the bed. I rolled over to the desk next to the bed and check the time on my watch. 12:52 PM.

Me: mm... I over slept..

I got up and stretched, got clothed and headed down to the living room. As I entered the living room I noticed a hardly noticable dent on the wall..

Mito-san: Good afternoon Gon

Me: Good Afternoon Mito-san, do you now where Killua is?

Mito-san: Sorry Gon I don't know but he's probably exercising outside

Me: Oh *sigh* Okay

Mito-san walked closer to me and knelt down to face me.

Mito-san: Is everything okay Gon?

Me: Yeah, everything alright..

Mito-san: Gon...

Me: Alright fine... It just that yesterday night I dropped my watch, and when I tried to go get it outside Killua stopped me.. He said that he didn't want me getting hurt and how it was getting cold, and I should stay inside while he went to go get it.....

Mito-san: and?...

I gripped my elbow with my other arm as I looked away from Mito-san.

Me: I don't know it just made me feel like a... like a....*sigh* liability....

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