Guess who...

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Another normal day in the flower shop that you own, people picking out flowers for $50 or so. But this day, this day made your life change.

This day's when you met him...

"That'll be $30." You smiled at the customer who was rummaging her wallet.

"Hey, can it just be 25? I'm short in money." The lady glanced up at you.

Your smile faded. "Um, yes it could be $25, but you will have to lessen the flowers you picked."

She rudely rolled her eyes and closed her wallet. 

"All that money for cheap-looking flowers." She hissed while making her way out of your shop.

You bit your bottom lip out of frustration, adding a sigh. You peered at the flowers that were all around the shop.

There were lilies, daisies, roses, sunflowers and much more. Flowers have been your childhood. Ever since your parents died, it was the only memory they left for you.

Your train of thoughts suddenly busted out of your head when the door suddenly slammed open making you flinch.

A man stormed in the shop, probably right about your age, making his way towards the counter.
"Good morning," he spoke, slapping 20 bucks on the counter while you watch his every move.

"How do I passive-aggressively cuss someone in flower?"

Your eyes were wide open, gulping at the way he stared at you.

"E-Excuse me?" You stuttered.

The boy then stood straight and sighed.

"Please help me."


Credits to: @demisexualmerrill in tumblr!!

okay! so i've come up with an idea. Which member would you think would do that if ever...? (><)

Please comment if I should make a part two

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Please comment if I should make a part two...just because (● ˃̶͈̀˂̶͈́)⁾⁾

Full of Love,
your dear author 

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