Innocent | winwin

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He wore a big smug under his fragile mask. His hair dark as ever with pale glowing skin and a pair of scandalous brown eyes.

His hands were soft, but they did everything scandalous you can ever think of.

"You can't hide, you know that." You held the jet black gun closer to your chest, looking left to right with your eyes.

The place stood silent while sweat on your forehead constantly drips.

The door squeaked causing you to turn to the sound and point your gun, but a hand from behind you covered your mouth and turned you around, kicking on your knee cap to let you fall backwards.

"I can't hide, but I sure can fight you well." The familiar voice stood out, you raised your head and sweep him off of his feet with your leg. He fell as you chastely grabbed the gun.

His reflexes turned on and he immediately held the gun, pulling it towards him as you did the same.

You pointed the gun up and pulled the trigger making him jolt as you smile. Quickly standing up and pointing the gun to his face.

"You fooled the people out there so stealthily, they don't even suspect you for stealing their high-end wallets." You said with a scoff.

Sicheng laughed quietly and scoffed back, slowly standing up with his hands open in the air.

"Ok, miss (y/n). You might've won, but you and your eyes can't stand as evidence in the court." He chuckled, smirking afterwards.

You rolled your eyes as you wanted to get this over with. Yes, he's a thief. But you can't still believe that behind his soft smiles and kind gestures is a beast without etiquette. His handsome face gained him a lot of girls, fanning over him whenever he goes around the city.

"Pretty much sure that this," He grabbed the end of the gun. "is not gonna help you."

"Remove your hands from the gun or i'll shoot." You didn't hesitate.

He smiled and retrieve back his hand on the air. You got the handcuffs behind your back, but couldn't making you groan.

"I'm sure it's here somewhere." You mumbled.

"You should've checked your foot first." He laughed. You looked down and saw your foot that was handcuffed to a post in the room.

"YAH DONG SICHENG!" You screamed, he walked towards you, but you pointed a gun on his face.

He held the end and placed it against his forehead. "Shoot."

Your heart ached at the words as your fingers trembled.

"I know you couldn't do it," He raised a brow. "You wouldn't."

As he said those words, your eyes widen, bringing back the memories you had with him in a glimpse.

"I still love you, but we can't be together." He laughed it off but pain was evident in every tone.

You stood silent, tears threatening to fall.

"You studied forensic, but me? I wanted to become a street rat. Odd huh?" He chuckled as you put the gun down, dropping it on the wooden ground.

"Till we meet next time." He mumbled under his breath, placing the key to the handcuffs inside his pocket, good thing you were trained to get rid off the handcuffs with or without. And he obviously knew that fact.

You sighed when he was out of your sight.

You were assigned to him, to catch that infamous thief. The crew suspects him, but there was no evidence. He steals on the spot, but only few notices that. But whether if he was a thief or a good man, you would still love him.

But he was the first to say goodbye.

"I still love you too."



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Winwin is so soft

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Winwin is so soft...i just had to make an angst for him.


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