Loverboy | l.hc

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You sat there in complete silence. The cloth in between your mouth hurting your jaw. It was night time and the girls from the other rooms were quiet.

The drug must've kicked in.

Everything was bleak and bodies debilitated. You were about to pass out, but a creak on your door frightened you.

You squirmed in the cuffs clasped around your wrists, lifting your head up with half-lidded eyes.

"Shh angel," You heard Hyuck's voice at the shell of your ear, making you shiver.

He took off the cloth binding your mouth as you gasped, desperate to fill air inside your lungs.

"G-Get away from me..." You slurred, facing the other way, breathing still erratic.

His hands held your cheeks, gentle touch pleading you to look at him. Your gazes locked and your eyes widen at the innocence brought back in Hyuck's eyes.

"Let's get you out of this hellhole, yeah?" He planted a tender kiss on your forehead, rendering you to flinch at his sudden change in character.

"Hyuck, why are you like this?" You teared up, not getting your own feelings. Not knowing how to feel about the man behind you, untying your hands.

"That was all an act, (y/n)." He kept his timbre low, but enough for you to hear.

Hyuck's hands rubbed your bruised up wrists, giving a few kisses here and there after he had tossed the cuffs on the floor.

He looked up at you and smiled.

"Whatever happens, I want you to not look back. Okay?"

The words scared you, mumbling a quick okay back. His fingers interlocked with yours and you both went out of your chamber.

A slight gasp elicited from your mouth as multiples of doors like yours were narrowed in the corridor.

Hyuck bent down beside your ear, mumbling as he kept in touch.

"I need you to compose yourself, princess."

The new nickname made you gulp, squeezing his hand that were double your size. Both of you were about to go down the concrete stairs, but a harsh clang on the railings surprised you.

Hyuck immediately shoved you behind his back, not letting go of your hand. You covered your mouth as your heart pounded.

"Well what do we have here? I thought we're a team, Haechan?" The tall bandit struck the metal bar in his hand.

He went nearer, step-by-step up the stairs until he was a meter from us.

"Don't try me, Johnny hyung." Hyuck drastically changed into his old tone that sent shivers down your spine.

It was an understatement how flexible his duality can get and you were sure you wouldn't get used to his antics.

"Your helpless, Haechan. A vulnerable guy who wishes to escape his first love."

First love?

"Shut up..." Hyuck muttered under his breath, the grip on your hand tightening.

Hyuck turned to the opposite direction of the stairs, attempting to go back at the floor and find a way out from there, but another of his member blocked the way with wide eyes.

"Not so fast, Haechannie." The man laughed, eyes blown high like cocaine entered his system.

You can hear how strings of curses flew out of Hyuck's mouth, making you shudder. You were cornered and about to die.

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