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As pov
A huge smile grew on his face and he went up stairs and I followed. The only reason I agreed was because he's drunk and I didn't think he would be awake much longer. We walked into his room and he closed the door and I was scared for a moment before he moved the hair off the back of my neck starting to make a line of kisses
" can I take this off "
His alcohol coated breath sent a shiver down my spine and I nodded and he lifted my shirt up and off my body letting it fall to the floor. He genuinely put his hands on my shoulders and walked me over to the bed and I sat down my eyes glued to the floor. He put his finger under my chin making me look at him. He slowly got on his knees in front of me
" are you ok "
He said as his eyes derated between mine and I nodded
" good ... can I take them off "
He had a big smile and I said
" yeah "
But it was so quiet you could barely hear it but he took my pants off and soon I was sitting on the bed in just my bra. He genuinely pushed me back on the bed and my legs were still half off the bed. He hovered over me for a second then he started to make a sloppy line of kisses from my neck to my belly button. He smiled at me then he said
" can I go on "
" yeah "
I said I was a little nervous because the alcohol on his breath brought back unpleasant things but I trusted him because I knew he cared. I was pulled from my thoughts when he started to rub me with his thumb and my breathing became heavier. A moan expected my mouth and I instantly covered my mouth trying not to make noise he removed his hand and grabbed mine pulling it from my face
" don't do that ... be as loud as you want "
He had a small smirk on his face and I could tell this power I was giving him made him drunker then the beer did. He moved back down along with the rubbing he added his tung and with it, my breathing started to get faster and more raged and I was making more noise. I could feel I was about to come undone.

Dominic's pov
I looked up at her and I could tell she was on the edge because her eyes closed and her lips pressed together but it only amplified the moans. Her head went back and her back arched
" D-DOM "
She yelled and I stopped and placed a single kiss on her hip and she looked down at me and I could see the tears forming. One fell and I got up on the bed next to her
" Hey hey what's wrong "
She didn't respond and a couple more fell
" was it really that bad I'm sorry "
" no "
Her voice was barely there I could tell she was holding her breath trying not to cry
" it's ok "
I said and wiped a tear off her cheek. I took a quick look at her body and just now realized the bruises were fading she looked at me and said
" can we .. can we cuddle "
" of course "
I got up to move on the bed more and she put her pants back on but couldn't find her shirt but gave up after a second and got in the bed with me. She put her head on my chest and I could tell it was strange for both of us. I was lightly running my middle finger over her arm I didn't want to push her or anything. After a little bit, she said
" I'm sorry for crying it's just ... I'm used to guys forcing me to get what they want and not caring how I felt ... it's never been about me and just me ... they never asked anything ... and they never stuck around after they were done "
With the new information she just gave me in a way I was happy because I was the only one that's ever asked and made it all about her and not about me and I know it was hard for her to give me any sort of power over her. She looked up at me and said
" your heart sped up what are you thinking about "
I said what I was thinking about
" you "
Her face fell for a second then she smiled and sat up and said
" do you like me this way "
" what "
She put her arms out for a second then back onto her lap
" like this half-dressed "
A small smile grew on my face
" I like you however you like your self "
She rolled her eyes and her smile faded and she looked down
" I'm serious Dominic would I fit in more if I showed more or dressed in clothes my size"
It's strange seeing her like this
" two things ... one do you like this like what's under your clothes "
She didn't move her eyes from the bed
" not really "
" why "
" guys see it as a toy "
She shrugged picking at her nails
" fuck them what about you "
A small smile appeared on her face at my choice of words
" 80% "
" ok "
She looked up still with a smile
" what's two "
" two I hate it when you call me Dominic "
She scrunched her nose for half a second and let out a small laugh
" Now come on I'm cold and you're so warm "
I said and I could tell I was still under the influence a little but she laid back down and we fell asleep.

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