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Dominic's pov
When she lifted up the shirt it made sense why she would pull away a little when something touched her left side and why she didn't want to take her shirt off. I thought it was because she lost weight or something small like that
" I did these I did them ... tell me do you think you can protect me from myself and I don't get how you can't see what I truly am your parents are right about me and you know it "
She started to walk away and I asked
" will I see you at school "
She didn't respond. When the front door closed I sat on the end of my bed. How can everything change so fast I mean last night we were happy and now we just had a fight. This girl this damaged girl with her stolen youth and distorted views. This other human made of flesh and blood and bone has taken my perfectly planed life and added notes and tore out pages with out even knowing. I know it may seem foolish for me to think this will go anywhere I know were no Romeo and Juliet like she said so long ago and I know the way it ends but what if just maybe the smallest sliver of hope what if we are better then them maybe even so much so that even Shakespeare him self would blush.

The entire way to school I kept thinking that I should pick her up and make sure she goes but I talked myself out of it every time. When I pulled into the lot I felt sick but I finally convinced myself to go in. When I stepped threw the doors I saw that blond hair and it was like I could breath again. I started to walk over to her and she turned and walked away I stoped and watched her disappear down the hall.
The next day the same thing happened she didn't talk to me and I don't know where she was for lunch. Team sports rolled around and we got in the gym at the same time
" A to the office "
She rolled her eyes when the teacher said that and then she left
" hey I'm going to make sure she finds it ok "
"No go get changed "

Half way through the class he said
" computers are down some one take this down "
" I'll do it "
" fine "
He handed me a paper and I ran out of the gym then walked in the halls. I didn't make it to the office because I saw A walking towards me and I thought she was going to ignore me like she has been but then she wrapped her arms around me and started to cry. We collapsed onto the floor
" hey hey what's wrong what happened "
She looked at me and my heart broke
" I'm an idiot is what happened someone saw a knife in my bag and reported it and when I got in there he took my bag and found my switch blade and he went off asking if I was going to hurt someone and all this stuff but nobody here understands that these clothes are a target where I live and I've been beat up and that sort of thing before but when I went home someone held a knife to my neck and threatened me so I started to have this on me and I usually hide it some where along the way to school but I was running behind and I couldn't"
She started to cry even harder
" I'm sick of it Dom I'm sick of being accused of thinking I'm to good for the people I know and that I belong here I'm sick of this target I feel like everyone sees but me I'm sick and tiered of pretending I'm tired of fighting ... you're the only one that I can be myself around and that scares me you got the girl who laughs in the face of death and who walks on the thin line of life and death on a daily basis to be scared of something ... I guess I was wrong ... I do need people "
I could barely understand the last part because she was crying and speaking so quietly. I wanted to say so much but I knew she just needed someone to listen and to just hold her. Even though we were in the middle of a hall I felt like we were the only people in the world at that very moment. I saw a random person walking to the office with the same paper as I was told to take down so I asked them to take it and they did. We walked to the gym after she had calmed down a little and no one wanted to look at her I guess they heard already. The class was almost over so she didn't have to change.

As pov
When I walked through the gym doors he said
" A to the office "
I rolled my eyes and went down. When I got there the priceable was standing there with the door to his office open waiting for me. He went into and I followed closing the door behind me
" you wanted to see me "
I said as I sat down
" I was informed by another student that you may have a weapon in your bag "
" what "
I knew he was talking about the switch blade that I forgot in my bag
" I'm sorry but I will have to look through your bag "
I threw it on the table
" fine "
I wasn't going to try to fight with him because I knew I would be lying the entire time and I was to tired to even try. He began to look through the bag and in the front pocket he found it the shiny black plastic with the silver blade inside
" would you care to explain yourself "
" I'm not going to sugarcoat it this is a target on my back and the other day going home in this uniform I was threatened with a knife to my neck so I started to bring this with me and I forgot to leave it out side the gate today"
" is that the truth or were you going to use it on another student "
" what no "
I shot up from the chair and I said
" keep the blade throw it away do what ever you like because I'd rather they go through with it then get kicked out for having something that could potentially hurt someone "
" ok you can go "
He said and I walked out and on the way back to class I saw Dominic and I just broke.
He gave me a ride home after school and I made sure to change as soon as I got in the trailer.

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