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"They see demon, I see angel"

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Niall visibly cringed and Louis snorted, "how do you think I felt when the bloody thing fell out of my bag and I read it?" Both boys were looking at the mysterious yet.. alluring  piece of paper that some how got into Louis' bag the day before.

"who do you think it could be?" Louis pondered, staring at the ripped piece of paper. "You don't know me yet but I just wanted to say you have the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen - H xx"   Louis scowls at it, frustrated that he didn't know who this "H" person was.

The boy felt a nudge at his shoulder and a body being placed in the seat next to him. "what are you girls lookin' at?." Niall giggled, "shorty over here got a  love letter yesterday." Liam gasped and took the dainty piece of paper into his hands and read it. Eyebrows raised, Liam started giggling like a little girl, "what the fuck is this? where are we? grade five?" He laughed some more before Louis nudged him in the shoulder. "cut it out will ya? help us figure out who this wanker is" Louis rolled his eyes. Liam smirked, "aw does little ol' Lou wanna find his prince charming who wrote him a pretty little love note?" he bats his eyelashes and Niall bursts out into giggles. Louis huffs, "no! I-I just wanna know who the creep is" he mumbles and looks away.

"shoot me but if I had to guess who this 'H' is my guess would be the new kid in the corner over there" Liam points his thumb over his shoulder "the kid always has his eyes on you" he mumbles. "wha.. Harry? no, I don't even talk to the kid. Why on earth would he even give a letter- a love letter  to anyone in that matter? He's Harry Styles" Louis looks over to where Harry sits. The older boy sat alone; no lunch and no friends. That made Louis frown a bit. Louis gets up and starts slowly walking over to the boy. "where are you going!?" Niall calls out, "to go talk to him" Louis responds, not even looking back at him.

The small boy made his way, cautiously, to where the older boy sat alone at his table in the corner. Harry didn't seem to catch his presence, Louis coughed in his fist to grab the lad's attention. Harry turned his head over to Louis and tilted it, "um, yes?" he asked. Louis fidgeted with his fingers and looked down. "you're Louis, correct?" Harry asked. Louis looked up from his feet, "uh-um yea, Louis Tomlinson" the boy couldn't help looking over Harry's features, he was a good looking lad, strange and kinda quiet, but good looking. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Louis Tomlinson, i'm Harry Styles" the older boy smirked. Louis went to say something but closed his mouth, smiled, and went to go walk away. This conversation was very awkward. "I hope the note wasn't too forward by the way" now this, this made Louis spin around and look at Harry directly into his forest green eyes. Harry gave Louis a wink and went on his way out of the cafeteria.

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Their second encounter took place at the local supermarket. Louis was trying to grab the lemon cookie batter on the top shelf but unfortunately couldn't reach. Damn short legs. Harry, much to his pleasure sat behind Louis for a moment to watch the short boy try and reach for the cookie mix. He looks over the small boy's frame; smirks a little before chuckling, grabbing Louis' attention. Louis quickly spins around, cheeks flush red when he see's Harry standing there with a smug look on his face. "Need some help, shorty?" Louis rolled his eyes, "i'm doing quite fine, thanks" and goes to reach for the mix but his attempt at grabbing it fails, again. Harry smirks and walks over to the boy, "let me get that for you, sweetheart" and with his blessed long legs, Harry grabs the cookie batter effortlessly. "Here you go, love" he hands Louis the mix and all the boy could do is give a half-ass smile; too embarrassed to give a real smile. Harry winks at the boy before walking away. And for the second time that day Louis was left dumfounded by a boy he barely knew.

Louis makes his way through his front door, drops his groceries by the counter, and quickly goes upstairs to his room; Bruno hot on his heels. He closes the door and takes off his shirt, tossing it somewhere and crashes face first onto his bed. Bruno slowly makes his way to the side of the bed where he sniffs the side of his owner's head; whinning. Louis giggles and lifts his head to pet the worries pup, "Bruno, i'm conflicted" Bruno tilts his head trying to understand what the boy is saying. "How is this kid making me so- so flustered !? ugh!" Louis falls back onto his bed, face in the sheets. Bruno barks at the boy and Louis growns, flipping over onto his back. "I just don't get it! yeah I mean i've never gotten action before and this kid is good looking.. but that's besides the point! the kid's a major creep" He looks to face Bruno who looks at him with a strightface. "yeah yeah maybe you're right I am acting like a psycho. But, you know where i'm coming from, right?" he looks at the dog again to find him looking back with no interest what so ever.

Louis' phone beeps and he grabs it from his back pocket. He got another follower on Facebook: HarryStyles. "oh Jesus, Bruno look! the kid is everywhere!" He gets up and shows the screen to the dog who just looks at it and goes walking towards the door. The malinois skillfully opens the door with his paw and walks out. Louis huffs and goes to lay back down on his bed, " 'kay thanks, nice talk." and with that Louis was left to stare at his phone screen wondering what the hell this kid wants from him.

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sorry if there are mistakes, i decided to write at 2 am lmao

vote and comment for another chapter. i hope you all are liking the book so far.

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