24 1 9

"my imagination's too creative"

chapter dedication: _starfishclaimer_
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"He's staring at you again"

Louis' head turns over his shoulder to meet the curious hazel green eyes boring into his sapphire ones. He rolls his eyes and turns back around to his friend when hazel eyes sends him a wink.

"What's his deal anyway?" Louis murmurs, looking back down at his lunch. The cafeteria was serving pizza with peas today. Appetizing. "Maybe he just likes you? But I mean it's Harry Styles we're talking about. That kid hasn't dated anyone or has even seemed interested in anyone since he's moved here last year."

Ah yes, Harry Styles, the talk of the school since the bloke moved in about a year ago. One would think the gossip about the "dark and mysterious" Harry Styles would have died down after about a month of him attending. Their high school was in a small town in Baroda, Michigan with a population of eight hundred and fifty-six. So logically, word was always going around in the halls.

Louis just shrugged and began to pick at his peas with his fork again. "He is hot though, I can't lie about that" Louis' friend, Niall, exclaimed. The two boys have always been conjoined at the hip ever since middle school. They were a perfect fit together. Niall was always being vibrant and loud. Louis, well Louis was quiet. Not a bad quiet, get the boy going about certain things and he won't shut up. He just chooses to sit back and observe the things, people, around him. He enjoys it.

The blue eyed boy just smiles and shakes his head at his blonde friend.

The bell rang dismissing the two boys from lunch and onto their next class; though, Louis could still feel those damn eyes boring into the back of his head.

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After school, Louis decides to walk over to his local library to get some new books that they had just received. The little bell above the door jingles as he opens it. He gives a warm smile to the old woman behind the front desk who has her glasses slipping down her nose.

The boy proceeds to walk to the back of the library where it's mostly quiet. Even though the store barely gets enough customers for the place to have at least a tad bit of noise, Louis enjoys being in the back where no eyes could be directly on him or people looking at what he was doing.

He was wrong

Louis begins with his calculus homework; flipping though his notes for different formulas and lightly tapping his pencil on the desk he has occupied. He can't shake the feeling of someone watching him though. He ignores the feeling and begins his work again. Not even two minutes past Louis hears a book drop from a shelf nearby. He turns his head towards the sound to see a boy about his age silently cursing under his breath as he picks up the book. Louis couldn't see the boy's face, only the slicked back curls on his head and his tall lengthy figure.

After the clumsy boy leaves his sight Louis goes back to work in hopes for no more distractions.

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Louis locks the door behind him as he walks into his two-story home that he shares with his mother, Jay, and Belgian Malinois, Bruno.

"Hi love, how was your day? I see you stopped by the library" his mother greets him as she walks out of the kitchen, towel over her shoulder. Louis shrugs, "it was fine, same stuff like always." He takes a seat at the kitchen counter and watches his mother cook with ease. "hm, no vampires or dead people?" Jay grins over her shoulder at her son. Louis giggles, "mom vampires are dead people too ya know." Jay just shrugs and goes back to cooking, hips swaying with the music that plays from her phone on the counter. She stops what she's doing and walks into the other room. "oh, the hospital needs me to work a late shift tomorrow night, is that okay with you?" Jay calls from the living room as she turns on the news.

Louis rolls his eyes, "mom i'm 18 not 6." Jay coos and pinches his cheek as she walks back into the kitchen, "of course of course, I just have to make sure my boobear is alright by himself when i'm gone." Louis chuckles and looks down at Bruno. Jay had gotten him two years ago after their house got broken into; she thought they needed a guard dog. As goofy as he may seem, the large dog has proven his protection skills after he bit Niall's bum after he tried to tackle Louis for winning in a game of FIFA. The boy just smiles and pats the dog on his head as he waits for his dinner.

Louis reaches for his bag to empty out any loose papers he didn't need. As he grabbed his binder a small piece of ripped paper fell from it. Louis quickly went to go grab it before Bruno's drool got all over it.

You don't know me yet but I just wanted to say you have the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen
- H xx

"what in the.." Louis scrunched his eyebrows together as he reads the words written sloppily in pen on the paper. Who the hell is this? Louis thought as he read it. "What's that hun?" Jay peers over at him from the sink. "uh, nothing it's nothing" Louis crumbles the paper in his back pocket. "i'll be right back mom, i'm gonna go wash up" Louis says as he gets up from his chair and walks up the stairs to his room.

He closes his bedroom door and pulls out the piece of paper from his back pocket, putting it on his bedside table. "weird" Louis murmured and went to go change out of his school clothes. Before leaving the room he glances back at the paper for a second before shaking his head and closes the door.

But once again, he can't shake off the feeling of eyes boring into the back of his head.

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I'm back bitches

i hope y'all like it so far.

vote and comment for another chapter hehe

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