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"angel without a halo"

major time skips in the following chapters

Fall soon passed and snowflakes began falling, signaling the beginning of winter. Louis blows into his cupped hands to get them warmer from the chilling temperature outside. He starts to consider getting a car soon since he can't walk to school in the snow, that would be torture. He has his earbuds in and hums along to some music he has downloaded as he walks his normal path to school.

As he enters the school's entrance a wave of warm air hits him causing his nose to tingle. The school's heater is a blessing since Louis looked down at his hands and finds them white from the cold. He makes a mental note to wear gloves tomorrow. The boy runs his hand through his hair and walks to his locker where he sees Niall talking to Liam. He smiles as they see him approach and makes his way to unlock his locker. Niall clears his throat, "So Lou... care to explain what happened on Friday at the party?" He gets comfortable and shifts so his side is against the lockers, facing Louis who's too busy going through his locker. "Louis?" Liam try's. The blue eyed boy looks over to them, attention back to them, "huh? oh uh yea Harry asked if I wanted to go to the party so I went" he smiled remembering their kissing moment at his front door. "So what ended up happening?" Niall asked, moving in front of Louis to fix his hair in the little mirror Louis had on his locker door. "yea you kinda just got up and left without saying anything" Liam says with his eyes narrow. Louis looks at him confused, "you weren't even there-" Liam shushed him, "Niall tells me everything" Niall closed the locker door causing Louis to look at him in disbelief and groaned trying to unlock the door since he never got to get his books. "yea so spill Tomlinson" Niall placed his hands on his hips and Liam looks just as interested as Niall did. "Nothing happened guys he just took me home" Louis shrugged as he grabbed the correct books. Niall and Liam looked at each other in sync with their brows furrowed, "so nothing happened" Liam started. Louis' cheeks starts to turn red, "well I mean he did ki-"

"hey Louis?"

Louis turned around to see Harry standing there with a small smile. Louis went to say something but Niall beat him to it, "hey curly? yeah we were just in a very important conversation. Do you mind giving us a minute?" Louis scoffed while flicking Niall in the head causing the blonde to let out an 'ow'. "Gosh Niall stop" he turned his attention to a now awkward looking Harry. "I guess i'll just see you later.." Harry began to walk away but Louis caught his hand, "please don't, Niall is just being a gossip" Harry turned around with a smile back on his face. He scratched behind his neck before looking at Louis, "I was wondering if I could talk to you?" He looked at Niall, "it won't take too long." Louis smiled and
nodded, following Harry down the hall. They stopped when they were far away enough to have a personal conversation without Niall or Liam trying to eavesdrop. Louis looks up at Harry as they stop, "so what's up?" he asks and Harry grins, "well, I figured i'd formally ask you out and to go to a much better place rather than a high school party." Louis laughs softly and nods, "yea i'd really like that. Meet me at the pizza parlor around seven?" Harry nods and at that moment the bell rings. They say their goodbyes and head to class.

The windows of the pizza parlor just begin to gather frost and the sweet aroma of garlic bread swarms the small parlor. The sun sets allowing the whole room to light up in a golden color. Louis' hands wrap tighter around his cup to get his hands warmer. His cup is filled with hot cocoa, a weird drink before eating pizza but it was either cocoa or cold soda. He takes a deep breath and looks out the window, smiling when his skin invited the warm rays of the setting sun. The bell above the parlor door jingles signaling Harry's arrival. The tall boy looks around before catching Louis in a booth by the window. "it's beautiful" Harry says as he places his coat on the side of the booth. "the sunset? yeah. I've always loved sunsets, you don't really get them here." Louis says and takes a sip from his warm drink. Harry sits down and starts to look over the paper menu that was placed on the table. "where I used to live every evening there would be a sunset, no clouds to cover it." Louis smiles at that. He shifts in his seat and sits back against the booth's cushion, "I guess i don't really know much about you. Where did you used to live?" Harry places the paper menu down and cracks his knuckles, "I grew up in California with my older sister, Gemma, and my dad. My mom left when I was three but my dad made it fun" Harry lost the grin he walked in with, "my dad um" he looked out the window to gather himself for a moment before continuing, "he just died a year and a half ago to epilepsy. That's why I moved here, Gemma goes to college here so I just moved in with her" Louis frowned and mentally cursed at himself for ruining Harry's mood. "Harry i-i'm so sorry, i shouldn't have asked" Harry shook his head and gently grabbed Louis' hand across the table, "it's fine, really. I haven't talked about it in almost a year so it was kind of a good thing"

A waiter had then walked up to their booth asking if they were ready to order. They ended up getting a plain cheese pizza and a water for Harry. "so Lou, tell me about yourself now that i've spilled out my sob story" Harry chuckled and grabbed another slice of pizza. "well I guess we have something in common about parents leaving, my dad cheated on my mom when I was seven and she chased him out" Louis laughed, "she chased him all the way down the street while throwing his clothes and stuff at him" Harry's eyes widened, "geez, she taught him alright" Louis laughed and nodded. "yup, haven't heard from him since. It's okay though, he wasn't really around much before leaving so it wasn't too drastic of a change."

They talked some more about their past, what they wanted to do when they're older- Harry mentioned he wanted to be a Lawyer claiming that he'll "make bank" which made Louis laugh. Harry ended up driving Louis home since the boy had walked to the parlor.

Harry walks Louis up to Louis' front door and the blue eyed boy starts to blush. "what're you blushin' at" Harry smiles down at Louis who just laughs softly, "last time you walked me up here you kissed me" Harry smirked and got closer to the smaller boy. "I can do it again if you want" Louis nods quickly and is fast to connect their lips together. Harry has his left hand cupping Louis' cheek and runs his thumb over his cheek bone as he controls the kiss. Louis started off almost urgent, longing for touch but Harry slowed them down into a sweet calming kiss which Louis ended up liking even more. He concluded that Harry was a really good kisser and dreamed of doing it everyday until the day he dies. They break apart and Harry laughs breathlessly as he puts his forehead on Louis'.

"i'll see you at school, Prince."


A month or two goes by and winter snow becomes heavier. Early December is near and everyone is decorating their homes with bright holiday lights. The freezing air from outside seeps into the home of the Tomlinson household. Louis wakes up and checks his phone and pouts after seeing no notifications. He gets out of bed, puts on a pair of socks to warm up his toes and makes his way downstairs where he's greeted by his mother making some coffee. The boy sits at the counter and slouches against it, cheek resting on the cold marble. "you ready for your exams today, boobear?" his mom asks as she stirs her coffee after adding in milk. Louis groans and gets up to make a bowl of cereal, "unfortunately yes. I just can't wait to get them over with" Jay coos and hugs her son from behind as he's pouring milk into his cereal, "my baby's last round of high school exams" she sniffs. That got Louis' attention and he turns around, "mom are you crying?" this only makes her cry harder and she hugs him tighter. He laughs and rubs her back, "it's okay mom! it's not like i'm going away for college just yet. Besides, Baroda's only college is literally a ten minute drive from here." Jay sniffs and nods, "I know I know you've just gotten so big. I'm very proud of how hard you're working, hun" Louis hands her a napkin and smiles. She takes it and blows her nose allowing Louis to go sit back down and eat.

Once he's finished he hugs his mother one more time and grabs the keys to his car that he got as an early birthday gift, along with his backpack. He pets Bruno on the way out and heads out to his car in the driveway, groaning at the painfully cold air as he steps outside.

He arrives at school and parks his car closest to the entrance. As he grabs his stuff and notices Harry enter the main building, a girl walking in with him. Louis frowns, grabbing his stuff and locks his car. He tries to forget seeing Harry just then but he just couldn't. They were getting so close and then Harry just started ghosting him out of nowhere. Louis isn't sure why and doesn't bother with it anymore, he puts his mind back on passing his midterms and enters the building. Harry Styles was no longer on his mind.


hi lovelies :) i hope you're all doing well and are happy. i'm excited to get back to writing again!!

i hoped you liked this chapter, this is just the beginning!!

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