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"Thought you were somebody else"
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That very next day a skippy Louis walked through the corridor of one of his high school's many hallways. With his headphones in and a pep to his step he made his way to his locker to grab the right textbooks and binders for that day.

He slid down the wall to sit on the floor where he started to open his social media apps; not having looked at them since the night before. His eyes widened and his mouth went slightly agape and turned into a grin when he remembered Harry had followed him on Facebook. With a slight grin on his face he started to lurk the boy he had recently met and grew a slight attraction to. The pictures on his main wall weren't much, a lot like Louis' but more photographer-vibe photos; mostly black and white of random objects around town. Louis liked the way Harry seemed to look at things, the page intrigued him more.

"what you lookin' at loser" a thick Irish voice came from Louis' side. He felt a body slide adjacent to him and invade his personal space. "Harry followed me on Facebook, come look" both boys squished together; not caring on how they look by staring ridiculously close at the phone screen.

"yea I still think he's hella weird Lou..no offense. Extremely hot but weird" Niall eyed the phone while shifting away so both of them had some personal space. "how come? I think he's a great photographer! I mean, when do you ever see original shit like this Ni?" Louis said, still transfixed with the phone screen.

The bell rings and Niall groans and gets up. "I don't know Lou I just get a weird vibe from him now ever since he dropped that note in your bag" he shrugs his backpack over his shoulder. Niall helps Louis up off the ground and ruffles his hair, "But I may be wrong" Niall shrugs, "maybe come out of your shell and get to know him a bit.. we need a bigger friend group" Louis laughs lightly and gathers his things up from the ground. "I will Ni, thanks" he smiles and watches Niall walk to his first class, he then does the same.

His first period was nothing major, it was American Statistics and he never really liked that class. His second hour; however, was calculus and the best thing about that class was Harry was in it. Louis sits next to him in that class and to his luck they were conjoined tables. Louis isn't sure why he likes the boy all the sudden. It was weird when he then started thinking about it. Maybe it's because a cute boy has never liked you before idiot.

Louis gives Harry a small smile as he sets his books down on the table and sits down. Both of them are ridiculously awkward with each other; they really don't know what to say- hell they both just recently stalked the each other on Facebook before class. They were at a somewhat of a first stage of something.

Just say something Louis, stop being so weird.

Louis bit his lip and slouched in his chair, he didn't know how to start conversations.. especially with Harry. "Did you do the homework that's due today?" he heard come from the boy next to him. Louis whipped his head over to Harry and stared wide eyed. Harry looked back and slowly raised his eyebrows, "..so uh i'll take that as a no?" Louis blinked for a second before actually forming words in his head and spoke. "uh- um yea I did" he awkwardly chuckled and scratched his cheek. He reached for his folder and took out the piece of paper due that class and handed it to Harry. He took it and made sure to brush his fingers against Louis'. The smaller boy went red and looked away to look at the clock.

dear god it's only been five minutes

"so I heard there's a party tonight..." Harry started, still scribbling down on his paper, "are you uh.. going at all?" Louis slowly turned to look at him, Harry wasn't looking at him back. Louis didn't even know there was a party, he isn't that popular so he never really knows about occasions like the one Harry is talking about. "um no I-" don't be weird "I don't think i'm gonna go, my friend Niall doesn't really like parties so.." lies total lies, Niall is practically an alcoholic at the age of 18. Harry chuckles and hands the paper back to Louis; now directly looking at him. He smiles and turns his body sideways in the plastic chair to face Louis, "well.. if you still are willing to go I could always pick you up around nine" he smirks at the way Louis blushes at comment. Louis fish mouths and doesn't even register what he was even going to say before he says:


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next chapter is the ~party~ i wonder what's gonna happen >

short ik but these are how the chapters are going to be. there might be other chapters longer than this. sorry for delay

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