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"JEONGGUK! COME HERE I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" A voice screamed through the corridors as the boy who's name was called out for was walking to his lecture. The summer holiday was over and university had started again. "What do you need Taehyung." Jeongguk asked, clearly annoyed by the elder. You see, Taehyung had had his soulmate tattoo for the past 4 years and kept telling Jeongguk about how he thought his soulmate must be. "You wouldn't believe what happened just now!" He said, worsening Jeongguk's mood even more. "Tell me then." Jeongguk responded. "I saw him! I saw my soulmate! He walked into the school with another guy! He probably is going to study here!" Taehyung said to his younger friend who just nodded. "How do you know he is your soulmate?" Jeongguk asked. "I felt the pull of course! What else?" The boy responded. "That's really nice Tae! Anyway. I need to be on time for my lectures Tae. I'll text you." Jeongguk said as he turned and got back to his walk to the lecture room. "He honestly needs to get laid." Taehyung muttered as he too walked towards the corridor his lecture would be in.

"Stupid shithead. Why are you this stupid? If the rest can do it you must be able to do it too right?" Jeongguk sighed out, he was 20 years old and not even able to figure out a math problem the rest of the students dint have any problems with. "There's only one thing to do now." Jeongguk sighed out as he walked to his little kitchen and unplugged his phone to call someone.

"Hey Namjoon, how are you?
I'm great Kook, how are you?
I've been well...
Do you have troubles with Maths again?
Do you need me to help you?
Send the question.
Thank you.

Jeongguk and Namjoon conversed as Jeongguk took a photo of the problem and Namjoon started to explain it thoroughly to the younger boy. You see, Namjoon and Jeongguk had been best friends even before Taehyung became Jeongguk's roommate on the university he enrolled in 2 years ago, majoring in physical arts and sciences. Jeongguk knew he loved subjects like art and chemistry but oh how he hated maths. He never fully understood why his subject package he'd constructed himself had maths in it. Oh yes, because his mom forced him too. He could still quote what she said to him after he said he wanted to leave the subject out. "Jeon Jeongguk, maths is the basic form of education. It teaches you to slowly read and understand texts, it helps analysing problems and teaches you to basically do stuff on your own. There's no way I'm paying half of your university money to drop maths and become a failure!" After that they had tea and bought math books. Since then the young boy had fought for good grades in maths and never stopped trying until he succeeded (with a few exceptions). "Make sure to eat Kook. I don't want you to fall sick again." Namjoon said before his younger friend hung up and stood up to make a small salad as dinner. Tae's teachings wouldn't come back tonight to scold him anyway, apparently he'd met his soulmate on his way to class and he'd sleep over at his house. "I honestly need sleep." Jeongguk said before falling asleep, still, fully dressed. But that was a problem for the Jeongguk of tomorrow.

Could I love you even more (a BTS fanfiction) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now