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"Jeongguk watch your heart please. I don't need another collapse like last time." Jimin said as Jeongguk walked out the door, Willow on the leash next to him.
"I'll be careful Jimin. I love you." Jeongguk said, kissing his lover before walking out the apartment into the icy, snowy and cold world. His heart had failed that time. Ever since he had weekly check ups since no one was sure what the illness was called. Jimin was worried sick for his husband. What was he to do when he died?

Nothing happened that day, nothing the day after either.

Then again it happened. (Like you didn't suspect that lmao) Jeongguk had another 'heart attack'. He was found by Jimin. Everything was black again.

Could I love you even more (a BTS fanfiction) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now