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"He was like cute cute you know?" Jeongguk rambled on as Taehyung was just typing away on his phone. "So I can't talk about my soulmate but you can?" Taehyung then asked. Jeongguk was perplexed. "Where did that come from?" He asked as he saw the annoyed face of his friend. "You've been nagging at me ever since I got my tattoo to stop talking about it. Now that you've had one encounter with a boy you keep talking non stop about it. Hypocritical don't you think?" Taehyung spat back as he stood up and slammed Jeongguk's bedroom door shut. "The fuck?" Jeongguk said, not quite understanding the scene that had happened just now.

"And lastly Park Jimin and Jeon Jeongguk." Jeongguk's art teacher said, Jimin smiled. He was happy to work with someone he'd at least already seen once. The cute boy had not paid attention once during the 20 minutes the class had already lasted. Jimin didn't know how but his first goal was to make the boy smile. "That sounds really cliche tho." Jimin said to himself. "You should use this lesson to get to know your partner as you're going spend a long time creating the pieces I will ask you to create!" The teacher said. "Hey, Jeongguk?" Jimin said, hoping the boy would notice that he had to get to work.
"Huh?" Jeongguk mumbled as he finally got out of his trance, seeing Jimin. "Oh I'm so sorry, what is going on?" Jeongguk rambled, nervous that the cute boy knew his name. "Don't worry, we have to do the big art project together. The composition remember?" Jimin said, smiling at the nervousness of the younger boy. "Ah, yes, with the landscape right?" Jeongguk remembered. "Yes." The elder answered. This was going to be fun.

Could I love you even more (a BTS fanfiction) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now