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"Jeongguk!" Jimin yelled. He didn't think meeting his soulmate would go like this. "Oh my god Jeongguk stop running!" He shouted as he followed the younger boy. BAM! Jeongguk slammed his head against a traffic sign. "For fucking sakes." "Were there always stars in your eyes?" Jeongguk asked with a cloudy look on his face. "You dick, you made me worried, why did you run away?" Jimin asked. Of course Jimin knew Jeongguk was his soulmate. Jeongguk had always seemed like the most beautiful human in earth to him. Jimin felt the pull even before he moved to Seoul. He didn't think the university in Busan was boring, he just knew he had to come here. "You're the best person on earth and you decide to want me as your soulmate? That doesn't add up Jimin. I don't fit your beauty." Jeongguk said as Jimin helped him up.  "It makes sense now I think about it, you have orange hair and you always wear a scarf. We talked about crows the day after I had a soulmate dream filled with crows. Just knowing I didn't get that makes me feel so stupid." Jeongguk said. It wasn't like Jimin wouldn't be the perfect soulmate but just thinking about the fact the boy would stay and love Jeongguk for the rest of his life terrified Jeongguk. What if he couldn't live up to Jimin's expectations? "It will be fine. I'm happy I met you Jeonggukkie." Jimin cooed. "Ew haggis" Jeongguk said. "Let's just get you checked at the doctors." Jimin sighed out, looking at the bump that was forming on Jeongguk's head.

"TAEHYUNG GET HIM!" Jimin yelled as he chased his soulmate around their apartment. Yoongi and taehyung had been cuddling on the couch but since Jeongguk didn't want to put on a tie for their dubbel date Jimin was now chasing him through the living room. Then taehyung pointed his leg out and Jeongguk tripped. "TRAITOR!" Were the last words Jeongguk could spit out before he was janked towards Jimin's and his bedroom. Today was Jimin and Jeongguk's 1st anniversary of dating. Of course the 2 men were totally perfect for each other, they of course still fought resulting in a night filled with flowers and chocolate. It was funny to see the 2 together in all honesty. Their love for each other was cute. We will see what the future has planned for them.

Could I love you even more (a BTS fanfiction) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now