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"Taehyung, for fuck sakes get your head out of the gutter! You would've acted exactly the same way if it was the other way around! I'm sorry for making you feel bad okay?" Jeongguk said to the elder boy who had nearly shut the door in Jeongguk's face. "Come in." Taehyung said, not caring if Jeongguk's nose may had been hit by the door.

"Look, I know it was a bit hypocritical of me to rant myself and not allow you to but you've had your tattoo for 4 years Tae!" Jeongguk explained. His cup of coffee was in his hands, warming them since winter was coming slowly. "I know, I'm sorry for being so grumpy. I don't know why I was." Taehyung responded, fidgeting his hands as he tried to explain why he'd been so grumpy whilst he didn't even know himself. He'd found his soulmate and has an amazing group of friends so why had he been grumpy that one time? "It's fine. Let's just forget it." The younger answered. "I've met my soulmate. His name is Min Yoongi. I just wanted you to know." Taehyung said, it was soft enough for it to be a whisper. "I'm happy for you. Enjoy it please." Jeongguk said. "Anyway, I need to get going, Jimin and I need to go to a café get our art project started." Jeongguk said as he finished his cup of coffee, nearly burning his throat. "Sure, have fun I guess. Don't stay up too late." Taehyung said, finishing his coffee too. They both knew it was still a bit awkward between them but that would go away with time. Their friendship wouldn't just break because of one little fight.

"So we're going to do something that should represent an endless cycle? How does that even connect to a composition with meaning?" Jimin asked, a confused look on his face. "Well, a composition is an arrangement of different object so if we for example take a dead animal, ya know, with the bones open and then let crows eat the animal we can use the crows and the bones as the different objects. Then it will also represent the circle of life." Jeongguk explained. Jimin knew just what to say. "Hakuna mattata."

Could I love you even more (a BTS fanfiction) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now