~*~ Shopping Trip ~*~

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Emma’s POV

I shouted my goodbye to Matt, before I ran to Jeremy’s car. It was kind of nice that Matt accepted Jeremy as my friend, as practically everyone wasn’t good enough to talk to me in Matt’s eyes. Even though I did love Vicki, her recklessness destroyed me, it forced Matt to coddle me more often, and it was just horrible.

“Hey Jer,” I smiled sitting next to him.

“Hi Em,” he smiled in return.

Sadly if I ever wanted to go shopping I had to go with either Jeremy or Matt. And neither of them knew what it meant when I said ‘I’ll be two aisles over’, it meant ‘leave me alone what I’m picking up I don’t want my brother or best friend to see’ but to them it meant ‘come with me to pick up a bra’.

Both Matt and Jeremy made the situation awkward by not taking the hint and then being freaked out by what I’m looking at.

I did have female friends but either Matt disapproved of them, or I wasn’t great friends with them, as I spent nearly every moment of my life with either Matt or Jeremy. I was kind of friends with Rebekah Mikaelson but Matt disapproved. It was kind of hypocritical of him, as he clearly was in love with her, yet he wouldn’t let me talk to her.

Then there was Bonnie, Caroline and Elena. Even though I liked them, Elena and Caroline had dated my brother which I personally found too weird, and Bonnie was clearly going to end up with Matt, f he didn’t end up with Rebekah first. I really needed to stop befriending Matt’s girlfriends or the girls he fancied.

We got to the shopping centre kind of quickly and when we did we made our way to one of the cheaper clothes shops as I didn’t have enough money to get anything from the ‘stylish shops’.

“What do you think of this top?” I asked showing Jeremy the top.


I sighed internally face palming putting the top back on the rack.

Today was going to be such a long day, even if we were only here for a short while, we would be at each other’s throats by the end of the day.

After showing him an almost endless amount of garments, he turned every single one down for a variety of stupid reasons.

“Seriously Jeremy, if you don’t say yes to one freaking thing I will ring your neck,” I hissed.

He let out a chuckle.

“Calm it Em, you will be okay if you don’t buy clothes. You have loads of clothes,” He sighed.

“No I don’t, I do believe Matt stole one of my tops to clean his car, you ripped my jeans when you moved that chair at the Grill, you stained my dress, Matt destroyed my cardigan and I lost one of my shoes, which probably has something to do with one of you two. And there are many more stories of how you’ve destroyed my stuff hence why I have to shop for clothes now,” I frowned.

He chuckled again as we carried on looking through the racks of clothing. In the end I just grabbed some of the clothing that Jeremy disapproved of for no apparent reason. He picked up some clothing of his own, that I personally hated with a passion, but I didn’t have to wear it.

After we finished clothes shopping we made our way to get food from a small café next to the shop. People generally walked past it, but the food was good and it was cheap, so I would come here nearly every time I came to the shopping centre.  

We ordered our food and took a seat in a booth.

“So do you need to grab anything else whilst we’re here?” He questioned.

“Nope, I have no more money, so going home seems the best option after lunch,” I shrugged sipping on my drink.

“Does that mean I have to pay for your lunch?” He smirked.

“If you wouldn’t mind Jer, I can pay you back when I get home,” I smiled innocently.

He smiled with a roll of his eyes. I was glad that I could rely on him to buy me lunch. I knew that even if I did try to pay for myself he’d make sure that he paid for it so this time when I genuinely couldn’t afford it, he would be there to help me.

“I guess I’ll buy you lunch, we can’t let you starve can we?” He chuckled.

“Course we can’t,” I smiled.

We chatted and laughed until our food was brought to us, as we began to eat the conversations continued.

“So are you going on your date with Kol tomorrow?” He asked before taking a mouthful of his food.

“It’s not a date Jer. He’s going with me to swim and dive. I probably won’t even talk to him; he’s just saving me a bus ride. I’ve never been on a date before and I’m not about to have my first date with Kol Mikaelson, he’s a bit of an arsehole,” I chuckled.

“Have you told him that you think that?” He questioned.

“Of course not, he’s just arrogant. I’m sure he isn’t as bad as his brother. I just don’t see him in a romantic way, so a date wouldn’t be right, I can’t even see him as a friend yet as I barely know the guy, also I like someone else. I’m not going to try and make myself feel better about my unrequited love, by dating Kol,” I chuckled with a shrug.

His eyes quickly lit up at the mention of me liking someone else.

“Who? Who do you like Emma?” He squealed like a girl.

“I’m not telling you Jer, although you’re my best friend you’re a direct pipeline to my brother, if I tell you who I like, they will end up with a black eye within the hour,” I shrugged.

Matt wasn’t the main reason I wasn’t telling Jeremy. I wasn’t going to tell him that he was the guy I liked, it’d be too awkward, and also Matt would murder him. I liked actually having a friend but if I mentioned I liked him, Jeremy would hate me, and Matt would hate him, it’d destroy me, and everyone I cared about.  


Hello, so I just wanted to say, from today, if you comment with 'update please' and nothing else I have the right to annoy the shit out of you. Please comment on my stories but be productive, constructive criticism, what you like, what you don't like, what you want to see. Any of those. Just comment with something interesting, or something that makes me laugh or makes me want to write more for you. And to see how many people have read this, comment below a joke, any joke, cheesy or cliche or just funny. Thank you.

Question Time: (I'm now doing this seperately to my author's notes and they will be questions about the book, about you and other random crap as I want to get to know you guys)

How do you like this story?

Do you like the title?

Do you like Emma?

Would you like anything changed about Emma?

What do you want to see?

Do you want her to be close to Matt?

What's your favourite TV show?

Is there any other fandoms you'd like to see me write a fan fiction about? 


If you want a one shot from me, PM me what fandom and I'll tell you yes or no and you can add more detail to the idea, thank you. 

Emma Donavon (The Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now