Chapter Thirty-Four

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NOTE: I do not own any of the ideas or characters expressed in this story (except Cassie Jackson). All of these belong to J.K. Rowling.


Cassie P.O.V.

          I run my fingers over my wand for the tenth time this evening and desperately try to get Neville’s plan straight in my mind. It isn’t a complicated plan—but it leaves a lot to chance, which freaks me out more than anything. So much can go wrong tonight.

          “Ready to go?” Neville asks me suddenly, making me break away from my nervous brooding and look up at him.

          I attempt a weak smile, but I’m sure Neville sees right through it. He glances at my shaking hands and says gently, “You can still back out, you know.”

          “No,” I reply firmly, despite how terrified I am. “I have to do this.”

          Neville looks at me fondly, clearly surprised that I’m going through with this.

          “Are you two ready?” Ginny calls over from the entrance to the Room of Requirement. “It’s almost midnight, hurry up.”

          Too nervous to be annoyed with her snappy tone, I head over to the closed door with Neville close behind me.

          “It might be best if you put your wand away, Cassie,” Luna says brightly. “It looks a bit suspicious. If they catch us before we get down there, it can’t look like we were planning something.”

          “Right, sorry,” I tell her, quickly shoving it into my jacket. I keep touching the handle subconsciously.

          Neville looks around at the three of us, then asks seriously, “Everyone remember the plan?”

          We nod together, and I clench my jaw to keep from blurting out that I don’t want to do this anymore. Draco’s right; this is so dangerous, and it hasn’t even been two weeks since my detention. But I keep silent, because I know I have to do this. I have to do something.

          “Alright, but let’s just get one thing straight,” Neville continues, eyeing us all intensely. “If I tell you guys to run, you run. Got it?”

          Surprised at how assertive Neville is being, I nod automatically without really thinking about it. Ginny and Luna do the same, though Ginny doesn’t look at all like she means it.

          Neville breathes a sigh of relief, then gives us an encouraging smile. “We’ll be alright, you three. This plan will work.”

          “Can we skip the pep talk?” Ginny smirks at Neville. “We’re wasting time.”

          Rolling my eyes at her bluntness, I follow the three of them out into the hallway with deliberate quietness. We’ve all made sure to dress in dark clothing, but I don’t want to take any chances.

          The trip down to the dungeons is agonizing. We go as slowly as possible and have to listen closely before turning any corners, even though both the Carrows have to be in bed by now. My feeling of relief is immense when the dungeon staircase comes into view.

          The four of us descend the stairs silently, having taken off our shoes to prevent any sound of footsteps. When we reach the bottom of the steps, Neville motions to the left. Ginny and Luna immediately turn and walk quietly down the hall to guard the outside of the Carrows’ sleeping quarters.

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