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Wednesday 8:00am

I woke up feeling like crap, as always, but despite this I still decide to get up and be semi-productive. (A.k.a, my morning routine).

Once I am done with that I sit down and think about what I'm going to do today. Hmm well Eiji has classes today, Shorter is spending the day with his sister... What am I going to do??

Well, I mean I could hang out with Ash, but we haven't spent more than a few hours alone together... Well that's probably gonna change sometime better now than later..

So against what my brain is telling me, I'm going to take a chance and try to hang out with Ash today, just... Ash...

Omg I am so scared.. Then I get on my phone and decide to text him.

Me: Hey Ash, since everyone is out doing stuff today, and I'm off today, do you want to hang out?

And now I anxiously wait for his reply. He has to be awake by now right??? I thought. But as I sat, and sat, soon enough I realized that its been 30 minutes. And Ash usually responds rather quickly..

Maybe I should go check on him... Then decided that would indeed be the best course of action at this time. So, I walked to Ash's door and knocked.

After a moment I hear someonec
walking to the door along with a couple of things falling in the apartment.

Ash opens the door and he is shirtless and in his pajama pants. His hair was also a mess. He definitely just woke up. "Sorry Ash, I didn't mean to wake you, I just thought you were up and-" I was slightly cut off of my rambling by Ash. "No, no its fine... I'm just a heavy sleeper." He says.

"I saw your message a minute ago, let me get ready and i'll come over to your place. Sound good?" He said trying to tame his wild hair.

"Yes of course, ill see you in a little bit." I said. And we waved each other goodbye and I went back to my apartment to wait patiently for Ash.

Soon enough I heard a knock at ny door. I went to open it and Ash was back looking like his normal self and of course I invited him inside. "You want anything to eat or drink?" I asked.

"Nah I'm ok for now, thanks though." He said. "I'm glad you said yes to hanging out with me, its a bit lonely without Shorter and Eiji..." I explained. "It's no problem, it was way to quiet in my apartment." He said.

"What do you usually spend your day when they're gone?" I asked. "Depends, go to the library, go get some food, watch tv... the same boring stuff." He said

"Don't worry i'll make sure today isn't all that boring." I said giving him a small smile. "I'll take your word for it." He said also giving me a (very) small smile.

Because of that smile I felt all warm and happy inside. Then I had an idea on the first thing we'll do. "Let's go on a walk." I said.


We finally arrived at Bryant Park, I thought this would be a good idea so we could just be outside for a little while. Besides a good walk with some good conversation can be quite lovely, and a good way to get to know a person.

"So Ash, how long have you lived in New York?" I asked, out of curiosity. You see, he seems to know New York pretty well, but I get the feeling he's not exactly a native.

"Most of my life, in early childhood I lived in Massachusetts." He said. "That's cool." I said giving him a smile. He smirked, "Eh not really, but you are a city girl, you don't know much about the countryside." He said.

"Well true, I haven't had much experience going anywhere else besides the cities I've lived in, besides I wouldn't want to just go to the countryside all by myself.." I said.

"Well a trip to see my brother is a bit overdue, when I go to visit we can make it a group trip." He suggested. My eyes lit up "Really?!"

"I don't see why not, Shorter and Eiji have already met my family. And you're part of our friend group.." he said. "That would be so fun." I said.

"I'm glad you think so." He responded. Just then his stomach grumbled. I looked at him for a moment and we both laughed.

"We should go get some hotdogs." He suggested.


As we sat on a bench and eating our hotdogs I felt happy. Well, because we got food and im getting somewhere with becoming friends with Ash.

We took both of our hotdogs with mustard, I like it that way and apparently Ash does too. Then he told me about the time Eiji had his first New York hotdog and got mustard on it.

"He said the mustard was too strong, I told him he was being such a baby. He's gotten better about eating mustard, but now he always takes his hot dogs with ketchup." He said.

"Aww, little Eiji. He's done a great,job adjusting to life here in America." I said. "He's made progress, that's for sure." He responded.

  It was now a bit late in the afternoon so we decided to go back to my apartment. Once we got there we started watching tv. Then since it was late enough I thought that maybe I should cook us dinner.

  "Hey Ash, do you want to stay over for dinner?" I asked. "Ya sure, sounds good. Thanks (Y/n)." He said.

  "No problem." I said. Then I got into that kitchen, and thought of what I should make. Maybe something simple, like a type of pasta.. 

  I looked in the fridge and saw that I had a pack of tortellini and I had alfredo sauce in the cabinet and I will just make that with chicken.

  So I got to work and soon that was done and it looked good. I took my medicine, (since I usually take it,around this time).  I put it on that table and soon we were just enjoying dinner having casual conversation. And my according to Ash my dinner tasted good. He said I was a good cook.

  Soon when we were done though I just wanted to know something. "Hey Ash?" I asked. "Ya?" He responded.

  "About your question last night... Did you know I have sleep problems?" I questioned. Time to find out.

  "I did." He said calmly. "How? I never told any of you guys about it." I said confused.

  "I hear you going up to the roof almost every night. I figured you'd tell us when you wanted to." He said.  Ohhhhh...   

  "How did you know it was me?" I asked. "Well you are only a few doors down from me, so I can tell which door it is that opens. I also know you go to the roof because everywhere is closed at this time, where else would you go." He explained.

  Wow, that was very specific. Hes definitely not human.  I thought. "You must have good hearing." I said. "I do and I'm observant." He said.

"Ya that's putting it lightly Ash. That's not normal." I said quietly laughing.

  "I suppose not, well I should be heading back. Thank you for a good day and dinner." He said giving me a small smile. "Ok ill see you later Ash." I said. And he walked out the door.
  There is even more to him than I thought... Well its not that I mind. I guess its just a quirk of his. I thought.

  Then I layed in bed trying to get rest, hoping that I wouldn't wake up a bunch during the night, but I probably will. Oh well at least I tried.

  I'm glad I got to spend the day with Ash, I had fun and got to know him more. That makes me feel happy. Well I should go to sleep now.


  (A/n)- SWEET TIMES AHEAD HUN, now I am getting a head start on the story. you and ash will have some fluffy times ahead, I'm excited....

  - Olivia_Fnaf💜

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