Chapter 13: Day 12

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"Wake up sunshine!"

Seulgi felt the warm sunlight hit her face and immediately rolled over to the other side of the bed. "Tsk, why didn't I lock the door?" she mumbled to herself.

She felt a light bounce on the bed, followed by a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist. "How are you feeling today?" Taeyong asked her as he snuggled closer to her, closing his eyes.

"I was feeling great until you decided to disturb my beauty sleep," she mumbled and he smiled.

"I meant your wounds, are they feeling better or do they still hurt?"

"They're healing fast."

"Great!" Taeyong said and hopped out of the bed. "That means that you're able to get up from the bed by yourself."

"Do I have to get up?" Seulgi groaned and sat up on the bed, rubbing her eyes. She looked up at Taeyong and saw him leaning against the door, smiling at her. He then chuckled and looked down on the floor while shaking his head.

"What?" she asked him, and he shook his head again.

"Nothing. Breakfast is ready, and we're flying back to Seoul at 9am."

He turned around and walked away and Seulgi reached for her phone and checked the time, 6:36. She opened the front camera and jumped out of surprise. She had forgotten to wash off her makeup last night and the whole area around her eyes were smudged in mascara and eyeliner and her foundation had practically melted off of her face. She sighed but chuckled at herself and went to the bathroom and washed her face.

"That's why he was laughing at me, huh?" she said and looked at herself in the mirror, seeing that she was wearing his red oversized shirt.

She then touched her lips and thought about last night.

"Did we really kiss? What does it mean now? Are we officially a couple now? Was it a one time thing? No, he just snuggled with me. Should I call him my boyfriend? Does he want me to call him my boyfriend?"

The sound of her ringtone interrupted her thoughts and she went out of the bathroom and picked up her phone that was laying on the bed.


"Hey," she said with a sigh.

"How are you? Does it hurt a lot?" she heard him say with worry.

Seulgi was grateful that Jimin at least cared about his crew members rather than being a cold, cocky leader that would just stand in the corner, smoking a cigarette while watching his crew play pool on the day offs. He might have a wicked mind, but he had a little bit of heart at least.

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt as much." She answered and ran her hand through her hair. "How did you know what happened?" she asked.

"I heard that Sana had contacted a few of my men in Berlin to try and lure you and hurt you."

"What?" Seulgi said shocked, "Sana did it?"

"Yes, but don't worry, Jungkook took care of her. She's in a place were she won't be able to hurt you, or the others."

"I put the files in her bag, did you get them, at least?"

"Yeah, I got them. But listen, I don't think you have to steal the files from Shark Agency, in London. Me and Jungkook will take care of that. It's the second last agency so I think it'll be fine. Take your time and rest, and then we'll attack SM Agency together, alright?"

"No!" Seulgi exclaimed, a tiny bit too fast.


Seulgi sighed and sat on the bed, looking out of the window.

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