Chapter 11: Day 11, Part 1

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"Hello everyone, and welcome back to 'NCT Therapy'," Chittaphon said, standing beside the whiteboard with a black whiteboard pen in his hand. "I think you all know why we've gathered here today," he said as the other seventeen members minus Taeyong responded with a "yes."

"We've all gathered here today because our little Taeyongie right here," he said and pointed at Taeyong who sat in the middle, "has formed a little crush on Miss Kang Seulgi," he continued and put up a picture of Seulgi on the whiteboard.

"It all started ten days ago, when Seulgi broke into his house with a bobby pin to tell him that they were going on a mission together. Operation, 'take Park Jimin down', or something. I don't know." He said and put up a picture of Park Jimin under the picture of Seulgi. "Junmyeon held the first meeting that Taeyong missed, but Boa is the one who is holding the mission, for those who don't know."

Chittaphon then put up a picture of Taeyong and a picture of Seulgi's car and he first pointed at the picture of Taeyong.

"At first our Taeyongie was very sceptical about this mission. Come on, is a top spy like him going to work with a newly recruited spy like her? So their first interaction wasn't the best but somehow Seulgi managed to stay calm and positive."

Chittaphon then pointed at the picture of Seulgi's car and moved on. "However, Seulgi came and picked Taeyong up to go to the airport and surprisingly they talked casually in the car and kind of acted like friends. And then," he put up a picture of the Eiffel Tower and pointed at it, "their mission finally started, operation 'Paris'. They came along pretty well during the flight and apparently, from what I've heard from our Taeyongie here, is that Seulgi leaned her head on his shoulder and fell asleep."

"Put your head on my shoulder!!!" the guys sang while Taeyong sat there with his arms crossed and raised his eyebrow. "Seriously guys?"

"But that's not the only thing! Our Taeyongie then leaned his head on her head!" Chittaphon exclaimed, almost squealing like a fanboy or something.

"Put your head on my sh- head!!" the guys then sang and Taeyong gave them another weird look.

"Alright alright, there's more. So their first mission in Paris went well, they captured Jackson Wang. BUT! Unfortunately Park Jimin was there and managed to take the files and bla bla bla, I don't care. Moving on, since Taeyong couldn't capture Jimin he got frustrated and ignored Seulgi for the rest of the night and didn't talk to her... Man, do you know how many mixed signals you're giving her?" Chittaphon asked as he went through his notes about Taeyong and Seulgi's "relationship timeline" that he wrote down last night after talking with Taeyong on the phone.

"Moving on, the next day Taeyong was calm again and he could talk to Seulgi without letting his anger get in the way and they ate breakfast. Oh! This is fun, during the breakfast Yuta called Taeyong and flirted with Seulgi."

"What?!" The other guys exclaimed in shock while looking at Yuta who was eating his Japanese candy. "I wasn't intending on actually flirting with her, I just wanted to make Taeyong jealous 'cause I could kind of sense him forming a crush on her already. What did I say, huh? I told you that you liked her. If I wasn't a spy I swear I would've become a fortune teller," he said and unwrapped another candy.

"Moving on, after the breakfast they went to the Eiffel Tower together and they took a picture together. Do you have the picture?" Chittaphon asked Taeyong.

"No, she has it." He answered.

"Well, have you seen the picture?" Dongyoung asked and Taeyong shook his head.

"Hey Chittaphon! This is taking too long, can you just hurry up?" Youngho said and Chittaphon scoffed.

"Why? What's more important than your best friends?"

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