Chapter 15: Day 13 & 14

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Taeyong tossed the files about this so called Lee Jooheon to Dongyoung. "Hansol shouldn't associate with people like that," he commented as Dongyoung read the information on the files.

"What is this? Joined a gang in Seoul five years ago, sold drugs to people in China, is a gang leader in London," Dongyoung read it out loud and then widened his eyes, "abused and killed his own girlfriend?!" he exclaimed loudly, clearly shocked about it.

"Let's just get over with this," Taeyong sighed and got out of the car and walked into the club with Dongyoung following close behind him, still very shocked.

As they got into the room they quickly spotted Hansol and Jooheon at different tables, playing poker. Taeyong observed them both briefly and noticed Hansol standing up to hug another man, while quickly putting a small bag of what he assumed was drugs, in the man's pocket. He then noticed Jooheon who was showing his cards, showing that he had won. Another man at the table got furious and Jooheon leaned over and covered the man's chips with his cards, showing him the cards while smoothly taking some chips as well.

"What are they up to?" he mumbled to himself and turned to Dongyoung. "You take care of Hansol, and I'll take care of Jooheon." He said and they both went their own ways.

Dongyoung went to the table were Hansol was sitting at and sat down right in front of him. Hansol quickly noticed and smirked, "Minsoo!" he called and a staff walked towards the table and Hansol pointed at Dongyoung. Minsoo then went to get some chips and gave them to Dongyoung.

"Not playing," Dongyoung said briefly and Hansol chuckled.

"Are you here to persuade me to stop with what I'm doing? Is Yuta here? I miss that kid." He said and looked around.

"I see that the job at Samsung didn't work out for you," Dongyoung said and Hansol shrugged.


"Hansol! Are you playing poker or chit chatting?" another man at the table complained and Hansol grabbed his chips and stood up. "Chit chatting," he smiled and gestured for Dongyoung to follow him to a VIP room. The room was empty and Hansol sat down on the sofa and gestured for Dongyoung to do the same.

"Don't worry Dongyoung, I haven't killed anyone since last time."

"And when was last time?" Dongyoung asked and raised his eyebrow and Hansol showed him a tight lipped smile, which cause Dongyoung to sigh.

"You can go to jail, Hansol."

"Actually I can't, because they don't have any proof."

"Well guess what? SM has proof, but we still care about you and that's why you're still able to sleep in that cosy bed of yours."

"Euw, since when did you get so caring?"

Dongyoung sighed at his former friend and colleague. He realised that Hansol was one of those who would never stop, because he would never change.

"You're stuck," he commented and Hansol shrugged.

"I guess I am," he answered and shot Dongyoung a look.

A second later they heard screams coming from outside and as if on cue, Hansol went up to throw a fist at Dongyoung which he quickly dodged, but another hit was aimed towards his stomach and it hit him hard. He grunted and kicked Hansol's chest, making him fall backwards. He went towards Hansol but was hit with a chair, making him fall to the ground too. He felt Hansol's body on top of his and the feeling of hard hits on his face soon followed. He managed to move on top of Hansol and punched his face even harder, and they continued to wrestle and fight like that til' they both tasted their own blood.

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