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Six months later...

Six months later

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Hannah hated school. Still, it was her one escape from her family. Her father had been home for six months and everything had gone back to how it was in New York only worse. Nonetheless, Hannah persisted and worked twice as hard to keep up her image. Afterall, nowadays people referred to her and Cheryl as Lightning and Bombshell. The two girls had bonded over their abusive parents and covering each other's bruises. Cheryl Blossom was truly the only friend besides Reggie Mantle that Hannah had ever had in her life.
"You disrespectful brat!" Our story truly begins the day before Riverdale High's student population doubled.
Hannah and Reggie Mantle were caught in Pop's Diner sharing a milkshake on their "study date." Hiram practically dragged his daughter out of the diner, leaving Reggie confused and stunned.
"Daddy please!" Hannah screamed, "We were only studying! He's just a friend. Nothing more, nothing less."
Hiram looked at his daughter, sliding the knife across her hand, "You will learn to obey the rules, mija."
"I've done everything you've asked all my life, Daddy. All of it!" Hannah raised her voice at him. She had never ever raised her voice at anyone in her life not even Cheryl Blossom.
The sting of him slapping her to the floor didn't faze her anymore. He pulled her off the ground by her neck. Hannah struggled to breathe.
"You disrespectful brat." he said again, "Don't defy me again."
"Y-yes sir."
"And stop stuttering, mija. It's for the best." Hannah was released into her usual seat by her father. That was another thing about Hannah. She didn't just get things handed to her. She worked for her father. Unlike how Veronica had a shareholder status in Lodge Industries, Hannah did not.
The next morning, Cheryl Blossom entered her room blaring music.
"Wake up!" Cheryl said, "You're fifteen minutes behind schedule and we are never late."
Hannah groaned, "Cher?"
Cheryl pulled her out of bed, and upon seeing her bruises she gasped.
"God." She sighed, "Okay, Han, I'm going to do your make up and then we are going to Pop's."
Cheryl Blossom walked out of the bedroom and into the dining room. "Miss Blossom."
"Mr. Lodge." She said, coldly. Hannah came out seconds later, Cheryl practically pulling her best friend out of the apartment.
"Miss Blossom." Hiram called.
"Yes?" Cheryl said.
"Good morning."
"Good morning." Cheryl said, "Hannah?"
"Yeah, Cher?"
"We're going to be late! And my mother always told me."
"Alright, I'm here." Hannah came out in all black.
"No." Cheryl said, "Don't take this the wrong way but you look like Jughead."
"You look like Jughead. Like my cousin's boyfriend? You know they came to thistlehouse yesterday and Betty had the audacity to invite herself in... and Jughead are all of our food. Like all of it."
"Mmhmm. Sounds great." Cheryl was still looking through the Lodges' kitchen. She was starving. Hiram lodge eyed her carefully, "What are you doing?"
"I'm looking for delicacies. Every house has them."
Hannah took a deep breath, "Cheryl. You just made just twenty minutes behind schedule."
"Did I?" Cheryl said, "Pleasure to see you again, Mr. Lodge. And tip Andre for me. He always treats my convertible well."
Cheryl sashayed our of the house, pulling Hannah with her.
"What the hell, Cher? He's going to be mad at me, tonight."

"Nonsense." CHeryl said, "Mumsy convinced him to let you stay over tonight.

"Thanks CHer." I said, kissing her cheek outside of the building, "Love you."

"Love you too Hannah Banana."


The happiness of Channah - Hannah and Cheryl - did not last long because that morning after cheer practice principal weatherbee mad a chilling announcement.

"Oh hell no! Our home lives are dickensian nightmares! I won't have our school turn into one two!" Cheryl said, pulling Hannah into a tight hug. As far as everyone else knew, Hannah and Cheryl were just best friends. But like the student population of Riverdale High that would change.

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