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"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you guys! And Hannah! Do you have to leave town?" Jughead felt guilty that he didn't do anything to help Hannah sooner but was grateful his girlfriend Betty took point on it.
Betty looked to Archie, Veronica, and Cheryl who Hannah had called. Cheryl smiled, "It's okay, Hannah. Tee Tee and I will call and text you every day. Toni thinks she wants to have a relationship with you too." the core four was fine with Cheryl's three-way relationship with Toni Topaz and Hannah.
"I'm leaving at the end of the week, guys." Hannah said, "And Archie's going to go with me to get my belongings from my toxic father. No offense Vee."
Veronica chuckled, "No, no. I agree with that opinion of him."
The next day, Betty and Hannah were upstairs in their room when Hiram Lodge came in and stood in the doorway.
"But Jughead said he'd be here right after school." Betty said.
"Well... I don't see why he needs to go to school since it's the last week. There literally no..."
"Elizabeth." Hannah said. Betty said, "What the hell are you doing in my house? MOM!"
"Elizabeth!" her mother said, "Polly told me the Farm practices forgiveness so I need you to come with me."
Betty rolled her eyes, "Mom, don't fucking test me right now. Last time I checked that man was assaulting Hannah so I'm staying here unless you want to have one less daughter."
Alice rolled her eyes, "Fine, Elizabeth, whatever I'm too worn out from this whole Black Hood debacle."
Betty stood there as Hiram spoke again, "Mija. I'm sorry about how I've treated you. Maybe we can start over and you can come back to live with us. Your mother said..."
Hannah chuckled darkly, "I'm actually uh going to be living with my friend Velma for awhile." Hannah looked at Betty who said, "Mr. Lodge..."
"Betty Cooper I've heard about your..."
"Get the hell out of my girlfriend's house!"
"Jughead!?" Both girls said, "It's twelve in the afternoon."
Jughead said, "Apparently getting beaten to near death gets me half days all week. To quote Weatherbee 'one of our most academically gifted students deserves a break'."
"Which is code for?" Hannah asked then she turned to Hiram, "If you don't leave right now I will scream and if my mother sees..."
"Hannah?" It was her mother, "Hiram? Get the hell out of here!"
Betty chuckled, "Awe, Auntie Marissa is more protective than my mom."

The Other Side//Cheryl BlossomWhere stories live. Discover now