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Mom... That man... Trouble.

Why did my anxiety have to be this bad...

Trouble... Velma you left her.... sign... trouble... danger...

I faced toward a cross and it began to levitate. I was confused. I knew I had anxiety and bad thoughts but nothing outside of my body had ever happened.

"Velma!" FP's voice snapped me out of my trans.

"Hiram. Hiram Lodge was at my house." I confessed, "He's with my mother."

FP sighed, getting onto his bike and Jughead followed, gesturing for Hannah to get on his. In The months I've known Hannah, she hasn't left Daphne's side so it's weird to see her do that now. Although, I had a suspicion that Jughead and Hannah were also family.

"Fred, you know what to do with Archie." Archie's dad nodded.

"And you four. Back to Coolsville."


We drove all day back to Coolsville and I still heard and saw things as warnings.


Missing Kids still gone.


Edgar Evernever: Where are you, Velma. Your mother is worried about you. Your baptism is scheduled for tonight.

Velma: Over my dead body.

As Shaggy pulled up to my house, my mother and Edgar Evernever were there looking worried. I looked at Shaggy. We all got out of the car and headed separate ways except for Daphne and I who lived together in my attic.

"Just as I suspected, Sister Kelly." Edgar mused, "They need to heal."

Daphne was kind of angered by this, "No..."

But it was too late. The Farm was already setting up the buckets. Daphne was dunked under water at the same time as Velma in her very own attic. As the two girls were underwater neither of them struggled. They did however, act as if they were dead upon removal from the liquid. Daphne opened her eyes first, "OMG! I swear to god they tried to kill us!"

Velma woke up next, "Jinkies. I've never been more alive in my life. Daphne, I saw a lot of things, and I also saw what a complete joke this all is."

Both girls laughed, ignoring the fact that they were soaking wet.

They showered and got dressed in warm clothes. Only once they were warm, they crept out to the Mystery Machine where Fred met them on a trek to Riverdale.

The Other Side//Cheryl BlossomWhere stories live. Discover now