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Daphne Blake didn't mind moving from Coolsville to Riverdale as long as Hannah was at her side. Marissa was never home and usually working at the Riverdale Register. Today was going to be hard for Daphne since she was still home schooled. Her situation was one that was kind of messy.
She attended Midge Klump's funeral, standing with Marissa while her sister stood with her father. It was an odd arrangement since Daphne had really bonded with Hannah the past few months.
"Daphne." Hannah called to her, "she finally let you out of house arrest, huh?"
Daphne chuckled, "Well, it may not be the Coolsville Mall but a funeral sure is something else."
The two girls hugged, sharing a few laughs.
"Hannah!" Jughead called over to her, "Is that Daphne?"
He approached her with Archie, Betty, and Veronica.
"Daphne, this is Veronica, Archie, and my best friends, Betty and Jughead. And that is..."
"HANNAH!" Cheryl Blossom called, "Your father is calling for you and god be thankful I covered for you! Oh hi cousin Daphne!"
"Cousin Cheryl!"
Hannah didn't say anything to Daphne about her father hurting her since she got back. He was angry with her for freeing her mother and doing what he called "running away" and "betraying blood." It didn't make since to Hannah why any of this was happening.
Now, sitting in the glow of the study's fireplace while her father sat at his desk watching her was worse than anything she could imagine.
She was silently letting tears flow out of her eyes for fear of him hearing her scream. Her mother Marissa had promised it would only be for the weekend but Hiram had kept Hannah for two consecutive weeks. He snapped his fingers and she brought him a glass of Cristal. Then he cleared his throat as he hung up his phone.
It was time for him to finally speak to her about her actions.
"Mija." He said, kneeling in front of her, "I just can't help but wonder why you would lie about me to social services."
"It wasn't a lie." Hannah said.
"I don't think you understand. Your imagination is getting the better of you, mija."
On imagination her slapped her off the chair. She didn't say a word to him. She didn't move she just laid there helpless as he continued wailing on her.

The Other Side//Cheryl BlossomWhere stories live. Discover now