part eight

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aw shit lol here we go.


Lydia White

"I'll pick you up at 10 bitch." read Eliza's ever so friendly text message.

I checked the time and threw my phone on my bed next to me.

8 pm

I huffed and rolled out of bed deciding I should start getting ready. I still had no response from Harry and I figured I was stupid to think that he would respond in the first place. As excited as I was for tonight, I still wanted him to be there for some reason.

I shook him out of my head "Stop, Lydia" I told myself. I forced a smile on my face and skipped over to my closet. I didn't want to be conservative tonight. I wanted to show myself off.

Eventually, after scanning through the articles of clothing hanging up, I decided on a sheer black top which I would pair with a black bra underneath. To match the top I decided on some black jeans and a sensible pair of heels considering we were clubbing and I would probably end up dancing after drinking a little.

I threw the outfit on and looked in the mirror. I felt so out of my comfort zone. However, I wasn't going to allow myself to change because I need to step out of the box once in a while.

I continue to look at myself when all of a sudden, my phone goes off. My heart drops and I freeze. I try so hard to push any ideas that it might possibly be Harry out of my head but I can't. I want it to be him. Holding my breath, I close my eyes and reach for my phone.

"I'll be there." From Harry.

My stomach drops down to my ass.

A smirk involuntarily crosses my face.

He'll be there.

I'm not sure why I wanted him there so badly. I don't know what it is about Harry that has captured me and held me to the point where he was always in the back of my head. He was very satisfying to look at, of course. But there was something else about him. Something in the way he spoke. Something in the way he felt.

I went to the bathroom, doing my makeup and curling my long blonde hair. Scenarios for how the night could play out danced around in my head.

I had no idea what was in store for me.


10:15 pm.

Eliza and I walked into the club. She wore a red tube top and a black mini skirt. Her long brown hair was pulled into a high ponytail. We walked through the crowd of dancing bodies straight to the bar, ready to get the night started.

"Two vodka sodas please." she smiles cheekily at the bartender. He nods at her and smiles back. Seconds later, he hands us to glasses and smiles at us.

"Here you go ladies."

"Thank you." Eliza and I say in unison.

She turns around to face me in the barstool, taking a sip from her drink.

"So, this guy you invited here tonight...Henry?" She says, waving her hands around trying to think of the name.

I had told her on the ride here that I invited Harry. She got very excited and asked me if I had condoms on me. Classic.

I take a sip from my drink, letting it coat my throat. "Harry. He said he'd come but let me remind you that there is nothing between us." I say to her. I wasn't lying. There really was nothing between Harry and I...I wasn't even sure if we were friends or not.

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