part forty four

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*chapter contains violence.*

Harry Styles

Her soft lips glide with mine as I balance myself on top of her on the bed. She feels and looks like heaven. She had a fresh, straight out of the shower smell that was intoxicating.

"I'll be back in the morning, baby." I say in between kisses. I told her that I had to go in to work for the night because I didn't during the day.

"I'm gonna miss you." Lydia says, pouting her bottom lip. I smirk and tuck her slightly damp hair behind her ear.

"Just go to sleep and I'll be here when you wake up." I say softly.

She cups my cheek in her hand and kisses me gently once more. "Okay." she whispers.

"Goodnight, Lyds." I say and stand up. She smiles at me then tucks herself into the bed sheets. I look at her one last time before flicking the light off and closing the door.

I walk down the stairs and grab my leather jacket before exiting the apartment and locking the door behind me.

The thrill of revenge engulfed me. I had fury and excitement coursing through my body. I was out for blood...and so much of it.

I took the back exit of the building, where only the boys and I had access to. I was greeted by a big white van which had Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall standing in front of it.

"There he is." Louis smirks, holding a large duffel bag. He unzips it and reaches inside, tossing me a white mask.

"Let's do this." Niall jumps in excitement. The boys cheer and hop in the van. Liam, Zayn and Niall jump into the back, while Louis gets into the drivers seat and I sit in the passengers.

"I gotta say, Harry...this might be your best idea yet." Liam grips my shoulders from behind me, causing me to exhale a chuckle through my nose.

We haven't done something like this for a while. I could practically see the adrenaline and elation inside of them. It only fired me up more.

"Just like old times." Louis smirks, looking to the side at me. I nod and smirk in return.

Louis was the first one that I asked to help me with this, because I knew he wouldn't even have to think twice about saying yes. He lived for this stuff...and there was a point where I did too, that's why he was my best friend.

All of the boys put their masks over their faces. The van was filled with five leather jacket wearing gang members with mask covered faces. Anyone that saw us would be terrified, and that's what I used to feed off of.

The euphoric feeling of making people tremble in fear was like an addiction, and here I was relapsing.

It's funny how quickly you can get back into old habits.

Louis drove the van out of the lot and raced down the highway. We only had a matter of time before James got off his shift at the diner. The plan was to grab him and get as much information out of him as possible...then I was going to kill him. I wasn't sure how yet...I just knew that I wanted that bastard to suffer for everything he's done to Lydia.

The atmosphere reeked of anticipation...and cigarette smoke. Both windows were rolled down so that the smoke from our cigarettes could drift outside. I took long, calming drags from mine, letting the smoke snake down my throat. My mask sat on top of my head so that my mouth had access to the cigarette.

We were driving for what felt like forever. I was so eager to give this fucker a taste of his own medicine.

Louis parked the van on the side of the road outside of the parking lot of the diner. There was only one car, and it was James'. That meant he was the only one there, and he was closing.

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