part forty two

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Harry Styles

As I lay in my bed, my ears were unwillingly filled with the muffled screams coming from downstairs. I shoved my head under my pillow, in an attempt to drown out the sinister sounds.

My thirteen year old mind couldn't even comprehend what was happening. I woke up to my mother's blood curdling scream, followed by my father's.

I remained in my bed...because I had learned over these past years that I'd be punished if I left my room at night. I'd be hit, or burned, or forced to sit on my knees for hours on end...because that's what my father saw as discipline. My mother would watch as she drank whiskey straight from the bottle.

When my mother screamed, I immediately thought that my father had come home drunk and was having one of his fits. But the screaming began to sound different. Almost desperate. Pained.

Not just from my mother...but my father as well.

I remained stiff in my bed, with my hand cupped over my mouth to keep myself quiet. The screams had died down. All that could be heard was whimpers from my mother. My father's voice was silent. Dead silent.

I heard footsteps. Loud ones.

I heard my mother begin to scream again, which made me cover my ears with my hands so tightly until I couldn't hear anything at all.

I kept my hands cupped over my ears for what felt like forever. I tried to focus on my breathing. I looked down at my chest as it moved up and down.

A sudden light filled my room. My breath hitched as I slowly turned my head to the side.

Standing in the doorway, was the figure of a tall man. It seemed like he was dressed in black, holding a knife in his left hand.

I shook silently in terror. I didn't know who this man was or what he wanted with me.

He took a big stomp closer to me, causing me to yelp instinctively. The moment I made noise, he launched himself next to my bed and gripped my mouth tightly. His rough fingers pulled on my cheeks as I panicked into his palm.

"Shhh." he muttered.

Now that he was close to me, I could see that he had a ski mask on so his identity was hidden.

I pinched my eyes shut, hoping for everything to end...or for him to kill me quickly.

"If you come with me, you'll be okay." he whispered, making me open my eyes in confusion and shock.

He looked into my eyes and waited for me to respond. I nodded slowly and he cautiously took his hand off of my mouth.

I let out a shaky breath before he grabbed my upper arm and brought me to my feet. He threw me in front of him and told me to walk. I obeyed and headed for the front door as he followed behind me.

I made the mistake of turning my head to the side. I could see my father's dead, bloody body sprawled across the floor.

I immediately whipped my head forward again with wide, scarred eyes. I felt sick, my stomach in my throat as I walked out of the front door.

The man opened the passenger seat of his car door and told me to get in. What choice did I have? I couldn't go back into my house.

He got into the driver's seat and sped away from my house.

I sat in my seat, trying to steady my breathing.

I had no idea who this man was. I had no idea where he was taking me.

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