part fifty six: 24 hours

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they told me that the end is near.

1 day before the attack

Lydia White

One day. We had one assured day left together.

How are you meant to spend the last day with the person you loved?

Do you grieve? Do you try not to think about the fact that they could be gone soon?

I, myself, was at a loss.

I got up before Harry did and just sat in the kitchen, reading Charlotte's Web. I tried to read it and put myself in Harry's shoes, just to see in some way what he felt when he read it.

I smiled to myself because maybe to a scary gang leader it was a bit of a weird book.

When Harry finally woke up, he came downstairs rubbing his tired eyes and embraced me tightly.

I took in every millisecond in his arms, and when he eventually pulled away, I looked into his green eyes.

"What are we gonna do today?" I said softly.

He smiled slightly. "I have some things in mind."

When he said this, I had no idea what he could have cooked up in his mind. But now, as we are driving down the quiet early morning city roads, things were becoming more clear.

He stops the car next to an old coffee shop. I recognize this place, because it's a couple blocks down from the diner and my apartment. But why would we be going here?

He tells me to get out of the car and takes my hand. He guides us right past the coffee shop, causing me to become quite confused.

"Where are we going?"

"Just trust me." he says.

He stops and turns a corner behind the shop. I look around to try and take in my surroundings. It was empty and sort of run down. There was a green dumpster.

We were in an alley.

Actually, we were in the alley where he stopped that man from following me.

He lets go of my hand and turns to face me, looking down into my eyes.

"This is where we met." he says.

I softly smile and grab his hand gently. He runs a hand through my hair and tucks a piece behind my ear.

"This is where I learned your name."

"So you're gonna leave without telling me your name?" he said from behind me, causing me to turn around.

When I didn't say anything, he spoke again. "I mean, you know my name." he chuckles.

I roll my eyes, but smirk slightly at this curly haired stranger.


I exhale a small chuckle at the memory. "I remember."

"Good." he says, then starts walking again with my hand in his.

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