part twenty eight

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before we start....thank you soooo much for 1K reads. It's such a milestone for this story and it means so much to me. ily.

ok here we go...

Lydia White

Harry, Louis and Niall parked their cars a block away from the club so that no one would know that they were there.

It was a smart idea on their part, but now we all had to walk a whole block to actually get to Temptation.

Niall and Louis walked in front of Harry and I. Harry was by my side, walking with his hands in his pockets.

It was dark outside. The stars in the sky were beginning to grow in number. The air was still, but cold.

I was wearing black jeans and a white crop top. My hair fell straight down my shoulders, which was honestly the only thing keeping my arms warm. Harry wore a long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled half way up his tattooed arms. He accompanied it with a red flannel that he tied around his waist.

Looking at him, I could tell that he was nervous about tonight. I know that he was stressed about something going wrong. Maybe he had a right to be worried...but I wanted to have a good time tonight, and I wanted the same for him.

I began to rub my hands down my arms to keep myself warm while we walked.

"You're cold." Harry says, walking next to me. I look up at him and glance away quickly.

"A little. It's my fault though, I should have worn something with longer sleeves." I roll my eyes at myself.

"Well here." Harry says as he stops walking and unties the red flannel from his waist.

"Oh no, you don't have to-"

"I only wore it so you could have it, Lyds." He says, holding it out for me to grab.

I cant help but smile as I take the flannel from his hand and drape it over my shoulders. It wasn't much, but at least it covered my arms from the cold.

"Thank you." I say, looking up at him. He nods and we begin to walk again.

Louis and Niall were pretty far ahead of us, but Harry didn't seem in any sort of rush to get there.

I look up at him. He looks down at his feet as he walks down the sidewalk. His jaw is clenched and I can tell that there's so much going through his head.

"What's on your mind?" I ask him.

He shakes his head and licks his lips, looking straight ahead of him.

"Nothing. It's just...I'm worried that somethings going to happen tonight." he mutters.

I inhale before speaking. "Listen, I am too." I say, "But let's just not focus on it. Louis and Niall are here too, so everything will be fine." I tell him. I really had no idea what was going to happen, but I was trying to be optimistic.

"I know, but the thought of something going down and you getting hurt in the process..." he shakes his head. "It makes my stomach twist."

I sigh as I look down at the pavement. I really didn't want him to worry about me this much, because it was clearly taking over his every thought.

We turn a corner and suddenly, we're in the parking lot of the club. Louis and Niall stop walking and wait next to a parked car for us to catch up.

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