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When Rhys wasn't here, Sarah stayed with me for a week. It felt weird now after everything that has been happening between us. I actually missed him.

Right now, Sarah and I were sitting in my room with a book in hand trying to escape the reality we both were in. She specifically brought romance novels so that my heart could get a but lighter.
It was doing the exact opposite thing to me. All these people who are falling in love with each other, promising that they will be there forever. Yet, the other one let's them down. They fall apart. Despite of all the odds, they find each other again. The pains of their past hold them back but once one breaks free from those shackles, he/she manages to free their significant other from that pain too by saying "It was always you. I love you"

Then comes the happy ending.

The book ends leaving the reader happy. After all that's why books like these a written. We all wish to find someone who loves us for us, cares for us, but when the darkest days come along, you make mistakes, the person you valued the most seems to slip between your fingers and you lose them forever.

But you do live with a hope that maybe in future  you two will cross paths and you can pick your story up from there. With new promises, new strategies, new love.

Sometimes, these love stories do come alive.

"Avery" Sarah said, I looked up from my book and found her in tears.

I threw the book away and came close to her "Sarah, what's wrong?" My heart was beating so fast that I thought I was about to burst
When she suddenly pulled me into a bone crushing hug  I knew something terrible was going on in her life. That, I. Who was in a mess herself didn't notice the spark in her eyes was ling gone. I thought it was because of me.

"Ryan is cheating on me" yes, the mistakes we make.

I went still. How could he? How could he do this to her? They loved each other so much. Then why would he do this.

"What makes you say that?" I said slowly as I pulled away. She was so torn apart, it was unbearable to look at her.

You see, in reality this is what happens. We make unforgettable, unforgivable mistakes. The consequence of those actions is losing the person we love the most.

"I saw a text on his phone, it was by some girl named "katherine" it said "the bed feels every lonely without you" she broke into a sob, she felt disgusted by the words she spoke. I could only imagine the pain she was in "I opened the chat and they had been talking, things that you would say someone you feel comfortable around. Things he used to share with me!"

"Did you confront him?" I asked.

"I did. And he said that yes he has been cheating on me. That he loves someone else now. He doesn't feel happy around me anymore" she cried.
"So there is no wedding" she added looking at the finger that was before married with a silver band. That felt and looked so empty without the promise Ryan made.

"I'm so sorry. But I promise, if you and I are together. Everything will be alright." I hugged her close, all she could do right now was mourn on the love that he broken. Mourn for herself.

"You can't avoid pain, Sarah. You learn to cope with it, grow in it, and then move on from it"

I wish it were that easy to mend a broken heart.

After an hour of talking things out with Sarah. She was a little better than before. Unlike me, Sarah was a tough soul. She accepted things before anyone of us. She always managed to heal herself from the pain that was ever brought into her life.

I did feel heartbroken too. How could Ryan betray her like that? He broke a relationship of 7 years just because he grew bored of Sarah. Sarah wasn't the only person he lost. It lost me too. I would chose Sarah over anybody.

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