Michael Kisses Jeremy

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Supernova: Okay, first item of business. Squip?

Squip: No.

Supernova: You have a new nickname.

Squip: Oh, thank goodness I don't have to do that again. Oh, wait. It's still just as bad.

Supernova: From now on, people may refer to you as "Squid".

Squip: Fine...

Supernova: People can still call you Squip if they want to. But that is your new nickname, given to you by I_Just_Like_2_Write.

Squip: Of course it's by them.

Christine: Hey, Squid?

Squip: Yes?

Christine: Nothing, I just wanted to test out the new name!

Squip: -_-

Supernova: Okay. Now for the actual dare. It's from both I_Just_Like_2_Write and crazy-obsessed. Michael, you have to kiss Jeremy.

Michael: Okay, awesome.

Jeremy: What?

Michael: What? Nothing! Just get over here!

Christine: *Fangirl screeches* Ohmygodohmygodohmygod YES MY TWO GAY BABIES!!!

Jenna: Whoa there, take it down like three notches!

Christine: But...

Brooke: We're all just as excited as you are, but you can't ruin the moment!

Christine: Fine...

*Michael and Jeremy kiss*

*They keep kissing*

*It's been like fifteen seconds*

*Everyone is dying of cuteness*

*When are they going to stop*

*They FINALLY stop*

Michael: *Grins and sits back down in his spot*

Jeremy: *Looks down and blushes*


Jake: I agree wholeheartedly.

Jeremy: What?

Squip: *Smirking*

Supernova: Okay then. That was fun. So, thank you again for that dare! See you next time!

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