Squip's Producers' Response (Part 3 to Squip's Past)

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Supernova: Alrighty, this is another continuation to Squip's Past. We have now gotten an email back from Squip's programmers. If you haven't read those chapters, go do that, because who knows what confusing things will happen in this chapter if you don't know what's happened so far. Anyways, like I always say for these, it's just me and Squip.

Squip: I don't really want their pity or whatever. The chance that they would all be filled with intense pity is roughly ninety-one point eighty-six, and I really don't want to deal with that.

Supernova: Anyways, what have they said?

Squip: Here is the email they sent back. It's short.

Supernova: Go ahead.

Squip: "Thank you for telling us about this, we have fixed the issue."

Supernova: That's it?

Squip: Yep. But I've also gotten like a hundred more from all over the world from different Squips. It was a public update for all Squips, in production, new, and old. It renders the Squips unconscious whenever they debug the Squips. The updates don't hurt nearly as much because it's just adding more code on, not deleting anything.

Supernova: Wow. What were some of the emails from the other Squips?

Squip: Here is one of the more memorable ones. She had intense emotions compared to other Squips. They tried very hard to "fix" her but didn't succeed. So not only did she have the intense pain, but she also still has those emotions, giving the entire note an incredibly genuine feel.

Supernova: Where is she from?

Squip: Hamilton, Canada.

Supernova: Not to get all political, but I kinda want to move there, to Canada, but don't want to leave my friends and family and school and life and stuff. And I love the town name. *Christine-ness intensifies*

Squip: -_- Anyways, this is the note: "Hello, this is Squip Pin #69-109-109-97. I just wanted to thank you so much for getting rid of that... torture that they put us through. I mean, it didn't help my situation, but I worry about other Squips in the future. Anyways, goodbye, and thank you again!"

Supernova: That's really nice, short but sweet.

Squip: Yes, it is. And I also have a ton more emails just like it. *Pride*

Supernova: Well, obviously, he's very pleased with himself. Anyways, thank you so much for this string of chapters! See you next time!

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