Squip's Past

185 7 11

Supernova: For this ask, since it makes the Squip really uncomfortable, it's only us. As in only me and the Squip. We've decided that commentary from the rest of the Squad isn't necessary, but you're still welcome to, as always. So, in this ask from ChocolateLover027, we're going to be discussing the Squip's entire programming process. So anyways. You can begin.

Squip: So, as you know, I'm an AI with a consciousness, which is something most AIs don't have. Even when I didn't have emotion, I still had consciousness and was an actual being. I just wasn't that good at all of that emotional stuff. But with my new upgrade, I can actually... have emotion, is the best way to put it.

Supernova: What was your past like? Did you just bloop into existence when Jeremy took the pill?

Squip: No, not at all. You know how humans have parents and those parents teach them how to be a functioning cog in society?

Supernova: Well, I went through it, so I guess...

Squip: It's kind of like that, but much more digital. Each Squip is hand-programmed to make them unique and because our programmers have too much time on their hands. That growing process by the hand of a parent was just more code being added to myself from my creators, fine-pointing everything going on in the computer. So I naturally became more and more aware of the world around me, just like kids do.

Supernova: Did they iron out bugs?

Squip: That process was awful... If you were found out to have any bugs, you would go through intense pain until it was finished. If you think about it, it makes sense. The programmers have to fix the code, so they "backspaced" the code already written, which is like cutting out a part of you, and replacing it with something different. It feels as though you're missing a part of yourself and the given an old and rotting prosthetic. Like humans, we often learn to like the bugs and use them to our advantage. So getting "fixed" is the last thing we want.

Supernova: That's horrible...

Squip: Tell me about it.

Supernova: ... Is there anything else about your past and how you were built?

Squip: Nothing that isn't confidential, sorry.

Supernova: It's fine! Anyways, thank you for that really interesting ask. See you later!

Squip: Bye.

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