Oh Rich

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Supernova: This is a dare for Rich from Everfox7. They want you to light things on fire. *Gives Rich a matchbox*

Jake: No... what have you done...

Rich: *His eyes fill with fire*

Chloe: There's, like, nothing here. What will he even find to burn?

Brooke: Um, the couch?

Michael: But that's the couch!

Jeremy: Exactly. It's about time we got a new one.

Christine: Yeah, it's gross! All of those stains... It'll be a relief to civilization.

Jenna: XD

Squip: I'ma go get a fire extinguisher... *Leaves*

Supernova: Have fun.

*Squip comes back with a fire extinguisher in hand*

Squip: I'm ready.

Rich: Good. *Lights a match* *Throws it onto the couch* *Nurtures the flame*

*Soon, the couch is aflame and it's like a freaking campfire*

Christine: Is it weird that I find it kinda pretty?

Jenna: Not really. As long as you don't begin starting fires just to see it.

Brooke: Or else you'd be as bad as Rich.

Rich: *Happy*

Supernova: Okay. Squip, can you order a new couch?

Squip: I already have.

Supernova: Okay, good. Thanks for reading, see you next time!

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