Chapter 1

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"Sara, get up." Quiet knocks shook my door lightly.

"Ugh.'' I grunted once I noticed it was only five o'clock in the morning.

"Now!" My dad's stern voice became louder with his knocks.

"Alright, i'm up." My scream echoed off of my bedroom walls, silencing the voice behind my door. Lazily, I made my way over to the shower. The lukewarm water ran down my back softly as I started to wake up from my deep sleep. School wouldn't even start for another three hours, but someone was anal about time management in my family.

I guess he has a reason for waking me up early. First day of senior year is special for almost all teenagers. Problem is, my loving father thought it would be smart to move us across the country a week before I started my senior year.

Once I was decent enough for school, I made my way to the kitchen where my dad was on the phone.

"Dad." I said, waving my hand in front of his blackberry that he was so concentrated on.

"One minute sweetie." He said, not taking the time to look up at me.

"Fine. I'll be going now. See you after school." I said, taking a large bite out of my apple and walking out the front door. As usual, my black jeep was waiting on our curb. The radio immediately erupted through my speakers as the engine started up.

It turned out to be a good thing that I left my house so early. The route to my new school was so confusing, it took longer than I had expected. By the time I entered the parking lot, it was packed with the cars of everyone that possibly drove in the entire school. I circled around for a good twenty minutes before finding a cramped space.

Anything is better than nothing, I guess.

As I climbed out of my car, I secured my backpack close to me and walked straight to the main office.


Walking up to the school, I saw Phebe and El talking.

Phoebe has been best friends with me since practically kindergarten. We tell each other everything, whether we want to or not. Eleanor moved here two years ago from Canada. Sweet and innocent, we took her under our wings so she wouldn't get hurt by anyone. We have toughed her up a little bit so she's not a marshmellow.

That's basically our group, except for Derek who is the weirdest out of all of us. He is a computer genius and has somewhat good looks, from a distance. Phebe and I only have a brother-sister relationship with him. El and Derek have been going out for a year and a half and are the perfect couple.

"Okay, obviously, you haven't seen him yet." El said.

"Whatever." Phebe brushed her off.

"Hey, guys. Topic of today?" I asked, curiously.

"Phoebe doesn't think that Josh and Noah have gotten hotter this year. Look." Eleanor said, pointing toward Josh and Noah Galen.

Brothers by blood, they both have definitely got the hot genes. I guess that's the only good thing you can say about them. Noah being football player and Josh a baseball player, both on our varsity teams, have made themselves jerks since last year. Actually, jerks is an understatement. They are both a couple of pricks who are players. All they do is hump and dump with every single girl in their class.

Only El and I haven't gone for them. That's right, Phoebe went out with one of them, Noah. Noah is the biggest player between the two of them. Last year, he asked Phoebe to winter formal and they did it behind the photo booth. Phoebe thought he was the one, until later that same night, she saw him bumping uglies with one of the teachers, who was later fired.

As Noah and Josh were passing by us, Josh smiled at me. Me, a nobody. I always favored Josh though. He only followed what his brother did just to remain in the crowd. Phoebe snapped my out of my daze.

"Don't even think about it Sara. Josh is just like his brother. Best to stay away. Come on." She said, dragging Eleanor and me toward first period.

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