Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning with the worst headache ever, i'm not sure why. I sat up and felt it. My eyes widened.

"Oh no. No no no no no. Not today of all days." I ran over to my calendar. "UGH!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Today, was the start of my period. Actually, I shouldn't call it a period because its worse. Like, way worse. It should be called Hell for a week. Honestly. Ugh, mine suck. The first three days are like were diapers and huge tampons and then smooth sailing for the rest of the time. I get horrible cramps and major headaches and mood swings. I turn into a bipolar bitch, no joke. No one should ever cross paths with me for the fatal six days. I angrily stomped over to the bathroom and tried to turn the knob but it wouldn't budge.

"Oh, you better not be in there Eric." I said while knocking on the door.

"Well too bad, I still have another thirty minutes in here. Here is the bathroom schedule." He said and slipped a piece of paper under the door. Oh, he messed with the wrong bitch.

"Get out now or so help me, I will hurt you until you feel brutal pain everywhere!" I screamed and started punching the door. My dad heard pounding and came rushing in.

"Honey, please tell me its not starting." He pleaded, referring to my period.

"Oh it's happening!" I screamed at him. His eyes widened and he flinched in fear. He ran to the bathroom door on Eric's side and I followed close behind. He grabbed the key from upon the door and grabbed Eric, dragging him out. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Eric complained.

"She is on here, thing, and I suggest you do not mess with her for another six days." He warned him. Eric laughed in a sarcastic tone. Okay, i've had it with him. I grabbed him by his shirt and brought him close to my face.

"You better not mess with me because the last time my dad did, he had to go to the hospital and they put him on drugs to relieve the pain I unleashed on him." I whispered harshly. He gulped and nodded. I released him and he fell to the ground as I stormed into the bathroom. 

After I did my business and packed for emergencies, I changed and was ready for school. I did not want to deal with anyone today. My mother gave me the necklace so I never leave home without it.  

"Remind me to buy you better clothes. You look like a homeless man." Eric smirked while passing me on our way out. I growled at him and was about to attack when my dad held me back.

"Whoa, easy girl. You need to control your anger." He said while handing me money for lunch. I took a deep breath and walked out to my car to find Eric already sitting in it, checking himself out in the mirror.

"Vain." I muttered under my breath as I hopped into the driver's seat.

"Okay, let's get things straight, prince. You are my cousin from Colorado named Luke Lipton. You were home schooled until this year when you moved here and lived with us. Your parent's are photographers taking a trip to Asia for three years. Got it?" I asked, pulling into the school.

"Got it." He gave me a thumbs up.

"If you mess it up, your cover is blown and that means mean guys come and kill you. So you might not want to mess it up." I said, hopping out of the car.

"Now, go mingle." I said, ditching him for El and Phebe.

"Hey Sara, who's your friend?" El asked, looking behind me. I turned around and saw Eric smiling. Ugh.

"Phoebe, El, Derek, this is my cousin Luke.  He's gonna be living with us because his parents took a trip to Asia." I said, introducing them. They responded with a simple 'hi'. Eric started talking and I just rolled my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Phebe asked me. I was about to respond when Eric interrupted.

"She's on her period." He said and everyone around else became dead quiet. I looked around and everyone had their eyes on me and started laughing. I smiled sheepishly and ran into first period, burying my head in my arms.

"So.." I heard a deep voice say next to me and I looked up to be greeted by Josh.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"I wanted to ask if you were really on your period?" He smirked. I stood up, grabbed the coca cola that was in his hands and poured on top of his head, which earn me laughs from the class.

"Does that answer you question?" I smirked back and handed him his drink.

"Mr. Galen, are we trying to be the class clown?" Mr. Johnson asked angrily since he walked in on Josh holding the can and drenched.

"But I..."

"Save it. Detention for one week. Now sit down." Mr. Johnson instructed. Josh turned around and glared at me which I returned with a smile. I zoned out the rest of the class period, and second and third. And fourth.

It was finally fifth, the last period of the day. Thank God. Unfortunately, Eric was in my last period with El. I saw a group of guys and girls surrounding him, mostly jocks and cheer leaders. I didn't care. El and I were talking about Josh when Eric walked up.

"Yes, Luke?" I asked, already annoyed with his presence.

"I need to talk to you, in private." He said, looking toward El. 

"Okay." I lead him over to a corner so we could talk. Thankfully no one was looking at me in a jealous rage because we are 'cousins'.

"Yes?" I asked, folding my arms.

"People keep asking about my British accent, what do I say?" He looked frantic. I guess he really didn't want anyone to know about him.

"Just say that your mom was from England and so you just picked up your accent from her." I said, ready to walk away.

"Okay thanks." He winked at me and ran toward his new group of friends. That gave me a funny feeling, or it was the cramps. Oh well, I do not have feelings for him, or Josh for that matter. All of a sudden, a group of girls were running toward me. I looked at El and grabbed her hand, running away from them. We finally lost them around a turn when we were out of breath. The final bell rang.

"Finally. Time. To go." I said in between breaths.

"You're. Taking. Me. Right?" she asked. I totally forgot, she always spends the night along with Phebe every Thursday night. I'm not sure why because we still have Friday but it's been that way for two years so, I guess it tradition.

"Yeah." I said as we walked to my car. Phebe was leaning against my car twirling her hair, talking to Eric. Oh great, not her too. I snapped my fingers and she came back to reality.

"Come on everyone, in the jeep." I said. Phebe dragged Eric to the only two back seats. I rolled my eyes and laughed once I saw Eric's terrified face. El sat in the front with me for the silent car ride. Good thing it wasn't long because it would have turned awkward another second longer.

"We're here." I announced as I parked the car. 

"Thank goodness." Eric exclaimed and ran into the house. I laughed as Phebe chased him into the house. El helped me carry in the backpacks when we found Phebe waiting outside Eric's room.

"He won't open up." Phoebe said with disappointment in her voice.

"Don't worry, he will have to eventually." I said.

"But maybe, you were a little aggressive." El voiced in.

"Maybe." Phoebe agreed.

This was going to be an interesting sleepover.

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