•Chapter 1• •The Meeting•

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Please enjoy! Please don't doubt the story because the description. I know the description was bad I'll fix it soon. Tord looks normal but he has a burn mark on the right side his face. His right eye is grey and his left it his regular red. He also has an earring on his right ear. He has a white lab coat on top of a normal red shirt, black pants and, red and white sneakers. Edd is wearing dark green glasses, a black tuxedo but he has a green tie, black pants but dark green dress shoes. Matt has a purple turtleneck sweater, darkish grey pants with purple and white sneakers.

•~Tord's POV~•

  I tap my finger on the wooden table impatiently as the manager of the business,Edd, kept rambling on and on about this new position I'm taking.

  "You must be careful! It's very dangerous! Ah. Who am I kidding..... YOU'LL DIE THE SECOND YOU WALK IN!" Edd rambled

"Edd." I called out. He just kept rambling on. "Edd!" I called out louder growing more impatient by the second. "EDD!" I shouted standing up out of my seat and slamming my hands of the table.

  Finally he stopped and look at me. "Am I taking this too hard?" He asked oblivious that I just yelled at him.

  "Yes." I said with a sigh sitting back down. "You keep going on and on for nothing." I said while leaning my head on my hand that was resting on the arm of my chair. "Why are you so worked up about this-?" I asked but got cut off by Edd.

  "WHY AREN'T YOU?!" He yelled. Then running his fingers through his hair as if he was trying to pull it out.

  "Relax. Take a deep breath." I said while standing up and sitting him down in my chair. He took and deep breath then slouched in the chair.

  "I'm just extremely surprised that your not freaking out. This is a serious position your about to take. Aren't you the littlest bit nervous?" He asked looking over at me by the window lighting one of my cigars.

  I didn't pay attention to him though. Just more rambling. That's when Edd came over and slapped the cigar out of my hand. "WHAT THE HECK EDD?!" I shouted with rage.

  "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU?! NO SMOKING IN THIS BUILDING!" He yelled. He picked it up and put it out and threw it away. He doesn't like me smoking because one it's bad for you,(Please don't smoke  -Author) and two because last time a person was smoking in here, they almost burned down the place.

  "Whatever." I muttered to myself. Then stormed out of his office. Outside the doors Matt was waiting for me. When he saw me he ran over.

  "So how did it go?" He asked with a smile. He was trying to keep up with me. But ended up behind me because I was walking too fast.

  "It when perfectly fine." I growled while turning the corner to step into my office.

  Matt stood in the door way. "Oh! That's good! So when are we leaving?" He asked. I stopped and look at him.

"We?" I repeated.

  "Yeah! Edd paired me with you for this mission." He said happily.

  "Of course he did." I sighed and staring packing up my things. I took the job file off my desks and put it into my personal bag.

  "So..... ummm... Tord?" He asked with a questionable smile.

"Yes?" I answered not looking up.

  "What is the mission?" He asked sheepishly while scratching the back of his head with one hand. I slowly look up at him.

"Are you serious?" I asked with a impatience sigh.

  "Yeah what are we doing?" He asked once more. I lifted my hand and facepalmed.

"You have to be kidding me...." I said groaning.

•~Edd's POV~•

  I sat down at my desk with a sigh.

  "What am I going to do with you, Tord?" I asked myself while rubbing my forehead with one hand. It's obvious that he wasn't listening to a word I said. But what can I say, he's Tord. But why can't he see that this isn't some game. It's serious. He's going into a life or death situation and he does even care that he's going in blind.

  Sometimes I think he makes it into a game to make it more interesting for himself. That's why I'm sending Matt with him. Yes he can be a little self absorbed but he can keep Tord strained. So he doesn't go running to who knows where. Why does Tord just act so childish? It's like taking care of a child. I wonder how his parents even managed to keep him focused and not joke around. Must have been hard. I just chuckled to myself.

  That's when my assistant came in.

"Sir?" He asked with a bow.

  "Yes, Alex? I'm extremely busy." I said. That was a lie. I'm not actually busy. I'm not busy at all.

  "I got a message from the commander that holds Tord's mission."He said adjusting his glasses and handing me the letter. I open the top and took out the letter. I turn around with my chair.

  "Thank you, Alex. You may go." I said waving him off as I read deeper into the letter. Alex walked out the door and shut it behind him.

  "Now what do you want commander?" I said muttering to myself.

"Dear Manager Edd of building 87,
I know this is unexpected but I need your scientist and his assistant to come here with in 2 days. Before the war breaks out. Talking about that, they wouldn't be coming back for 4 or 5 months. Perhaps 6 at max. Send them over as soon as you get this. Thank you.
                               -Commander of building 75"

"WHAT?!" I yelled so loud I'm pretty sure the whole building heard me.

Thank you for reading this! Give credit if you use any of this. I hope you enjoyed this. •~AshlandCoffee / Author~•. OωO   ÙωÚ

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