•Chapter 5• •Not What It Seems•

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Everything went silent. No more sound. No more movement. Just silence. Tord opened his eyes. He looked down but he wasn't injured in any way. No scratches or scars. He looked up and saw a huge claw scratch on the door, from the top right to the bottom left. He looked around but there was nothing to be seen. No sounds. No "glowing eyes". Nothing.

"..T-....T-.. Thomas?" Tord barely managed to say. He was still scared and in shock. He thought he was about to die only a minute ago, but turns out he lived? It didn't make sense but he was grateful that he wasn't dead.

There was no answer. Tord stood there for a few moments before letting out a huge breath. Where did Thomas go? What did they do? This place gives me a really bad vibe. He thought to himself.

*BING BING BING* Congratulations Professor Tord! You have lasted 2 hours. You have officially survived Experiment 2377. You got the job. The door is now open. Please proceed over and it will open.

"Wait! Where is Experiment 2377?! What did you do with him?!" Tord shouted to the cameras.

"All questions will be answered when you exit out of the room." It said over the intercom.

Tord did as they said and exited the room. When the door opened he was met with a blinding bright light. Geez it's a whole lot brighter in here than in there. Tord thought. The doors closed behind him and in front of him stood Mr. Will.

"Congrats Professor Tord. I'm quite impressed in your ability to "be friend" this monster." Will said with a dark smirking expression as he put his arm around Tord's shoulders. Tord gave him a disgusted expression and pulled away.

"You told me you would answer my questions!" Tord shouted at Will pointing his finger in his face then crossing his arms.

"Now. Now. Let's calm down. Don't shout." Mr. Will said with a smile. "Yes I will answer all your questions. Right this way." He said walking away not even waiting for Tord to start following him. Tord runs over to keep up. He then followed Will to a room that was almost brighter than the other. It had a small table in the middle and two chairs on opposite sides. Will closed the door then sat down. Tord stood there for a few seconds then sat down as well.

"Alright. Ask away. I'll answer truthfully." Will said with a small grin. Tord was silent for a minute trying to make sense of his facial expression. He then spoke.

"What happened in there? I know you saw it. Someone was banging on the door. Then T-...... Experiment 2377's.... eyes were glowing. He almost killed me. But before he was so calm and... nice? Look the point is, Who banged on the door? Why did his eyes glow and he almost killed me?" Tord said and talked or gestured with his hands.

"Wow so many questions." Will grinned. Tord just glared. "Well, okay. You got to see one of the dangerous sides of Experiment 2377. I told one of the staff to bang on the door as a test. To see if 2377 would kill you like he did with others. But for some reason he didn't. The "glowing eyes" were his monster side. 2377's eyes always glow when he is about to kill or "attack". It's nothing new though. The one thing I would love to see is what 2377 looks like." He said while laying back in his chair and lighting a cigarette.

"So you did that to see if he would kill me? Your sick. What if he did kill me? What would you tell Edd?" Tord asked with a glare while laying back in his chair with his arms crossed. Will grinned and switched the cigarette to the other side of his mouth.

"Well if 2377 did try to attack you we would have sent a high pitch sound that only he could hear. Then it would've drove 2377 away from you." Will simply said with no hesitation.

"Wouldn't that hurt him?" Tord asked with a deep glare right on Will.

"Well, Technically yes. It's would hurt 2377's ears probably." Will said sitting up straight, taking out the cigarette and tapping it on the table, over and over. Tord felt his hands turn into fists and getting ready to punch the smile off of Will's face.

"Let me ask you something Professor Tord." Will started and his smile faded into a frown. "Why do YOU care about what happens to this monster?" Will asked with a straight face while he leaned in closer to Tord. "It's not yours and it NEVER will be." Will said leaning back his chair putting his cigarette back in his mouth. Tord's glare dropped and it turned into a small frown. "So why are you even interested?" Will ask with a deeper glare than Tord's.

"......." Tord felt like he couldn't speak. He was lost for words.

"Your just a guest here. Your in no position to make demands for answers. So, how about You Learn Your Place." Will said standing up and slightly slamming both his hands on the table. "Your in my building. I don't know what you do in Your building, but here, your under My rules. I'll be nice and not tell anyone about this. Just remember Your job is to get info on Experiment 2377 not to become it's "friend". It's your job. Nothing more. Nothing less. Got it?" Will says forcefully. Silence filled the room. It was finally interrupted by Tord chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Will asked giving him another glare.

"You sound like my dad. Now. Will, let Me tell You something. I came here not only to get info from him but to also take care of him. So if you don't want me to do that then how about I just leave and you can just find someone else to do that for you. Oh Right! You can't. Since the whole war thing going on and on top of that, the fact that 2377 Might kill them. Never mind he probably Will kill them. Face it, Will. I'm all you got. So, how about you know Your Place and just leave me alone. Let me do what I came here to do and not question me, Okay? Now, What were you saying?" Tord says with a smirk on his face. Will doesn't say a thing for a few minutes, all he does is smile.

"Well played Professor. I'll leave you be then." Will says while getting up and walking to the door.

"Also, Will. Do you mind doing me some Favors?" Tord asks with a huge grin.

"Like what?" Will asks stopping at the door and turning to face Tord.

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