•Chapter 12• •Friend or Foe•

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•~Edd's POV~•

The phone cuts out. I sit there in silence. What do I do now? What if he does something to Matt? Where did Tord run off to? Is he okay? What is Will going to do to them?

"Dang It!" I stand up and shove everything off my desk. I slam my hands on the desk as warm tears escape my eyes.

"I shouldn't have sent them there! This is all my fault! If I had known about Will sooner..." I yell angry at myself. I sunk down to the floor and sobbed.

"Stupid Will. Stupid lab. Stupid job." I whispered to myself. I want Matt. He always comforted me when things like this happen. I felt something touch my hand. I looked over to see Ringo's paw on my hand. She look worried. I smiled and picked her up. I put her in my lap and she snuggled up with me. As she purred, I looked at her, thinking of what I should do.

"That's it. I'll go over there and get Matt back myself." I said happily to Ringo. She look up at me and meow in agreement. I smiled and patted her on the head.

"Thanks Ringo. Your the best." I said hugging her before I got up and put her in my chair. I walk towards my room and started packing.

•~Tord's POV~•

It had been a day of driving. I was relaxing in the back seat while Tom drove. Honestly, it was probably a bad idea to even let Thomas drive. I mean, just think about it, he's an experiment that had been cooped up for 17 years, he doesn't know what half of the things on earth are, he has no experience and has no drivers license. Yep. Probably a bad idea. But surprisingly he hasn't crash or gone off the road. So he's doing a decent job.

"How are you doing up there?" I ask. He flinches to the sound of my voice.

"Tord! Your awake. You scared me." He said with a small laugh.

"Sorry." I said looking over to him. Silence fell through out the car. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was more of a calm and relaxing silence.

"Hey Tord?" Thomas finally said after a while.


"Thank you."

"For what?" I said looking at him weirdly

"For everything. Honestly, I thought I would spend my whole life in that lab but you changed that. So thank you."

"..Your welcome..." I said with a small smile but something inside of me felt that something was off. It felt like....guilt?

•~Matt's POV~•

I woke up to a bright light. I don't remember turning on the light. I open my eyes and look up at a ceiling. It was stone. I sat up and looked around. There were stone floors and walls. There was no windows, only a metal door.

Is this a cell?


I jumped up and looked around to see who said it. My eyes land on a figure in a corner. The figure walks out of the corner into the light. It was.. a girl. She had light brown, wavy, hair with pastel blue streaks, red colored eyes, pastel blue hoodie, black shorts, dark blue monster ears, tail, horns coming out of her forehead, sharp white teeth, and sharp black claws. On her feet she had white socks. Her skin was like an albino.

"Sup." She said.

"Hi?" I answered with confusion.

"Are you one of those scientist?" She asked walking over to me with her claws in her hoodie pockets.

"No. Umm, How did you know-?"

"I can read minds. But that's only one of my 5 abilities." She said.

"Cool." I smiled. She flashed a small smile at me but it then turned back into a stone cold expression.

"How'd you get here if your not a scientist?" She asked while walking around me.

"Well, I don't know how I got here. I was talking to my boyfriend and then bam, I pass out and woke up here."

"Hmm." She stops in front of me and stares me strait in the face. It was like she was staring into my soul. It gave me goosebumps.

"What's your name?" She asked.


"I'm Ash."

"Nice to meet you."


It was quiet for a few moments before I decided to speak.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked. She looked at me strangely and confused.

"What do you mean? We're in the test cells." She said as if it were normal.

"Test Cells?"

•~??? POV~•   (Every time I do this I cringe ) T^T

I was sitting at my desk, looking out the huge windows I have for walls. My office is at the peek of the tallest building in sector 79.


I look over to see my assistant running towards my desk.


"We're picking up activity."

I jolt up from my seat and slammed my hands on the table.

"What?! He isn't that dumb! Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. It's not only him. There's another and now there's a human involved. I have his file." He said as he slid the person's file on my desk. I flop down in my chair and open the file.

"He's from sector 87."

"But that's no where near here. What is he doing in sector 77?"

"We believe that he was requested by someone unauthorized.

"By who?" I said closing the file and tossing it on my desk. My assistant was quiet for a moment.

"The escaped incident."

I was speechless. Surprise but more horrified.

"The unspoken 0092273."


"Keep an eye on the two and this human. They'll fight each other until one of them wins and when that happens, we'll be there to clean up."

"But Sir! That could kill-"

"Go. You are dismissed."

He stopped talking and walk away. I look back out the window as the door closes.

"Your not this damn stupid. What are you planning?


Oh my gosh! Finally! Sorry it's super late! School is killing me. Hope you enjoyed.

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