•Chapter 14• •What could be better•

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•~Tord's POV~•

Thomas was asleep in the back while I was driving. I looked at the GPS. I excitedly smiled.

"Just one more mile." I told myself. I heard Thomas groan in the back. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning, sleepyhead." I chimed. He yawned and sat up, rubbing his 'eyes'.

"Are we there yet?" He asked looking at me.

"Not yet but one more mile." I chirp happily. He smiled brightly at the response.

Gosh, he's cute. I start blushing madly to what I just thought. Did I just call him cute?

"Tord?" Thomas asked. He snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Umm yes?" I responded.

"What are we going to do when we get to this place your talking about?" He asks.

"Umm.. well we can go out and look at the shops, we can see the forests, or we can go out and eat. Then when it gets dark, I'll take you to rooftop to see the stars." I answer happily. He smiles and looks out the window.

Dang it. He is cute.

•~Matt's POV~•

Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. I was in full panic mode. What were they going to do? Oh geez. What have I gotten myself into this time?

At the moment I was strapped to a chair in a fully white room. Beads of sweat dripping down my face. I heard a click and someone came into the room. It was a woman. She must have been a scientist because she was wearing one of those white lab coats.

She had blond curly hair up in a messy bun with some freckles on her cheeks. Her eyes were an emerald green with white lab glasses on top of her head. She had blue gloves on and a white mask on her face. Surprisingly she didn't have dress shoes, she had light blue high tops.

She looked at me up and down then walked over to me. She was holding a tablet in her hand. She typed down something as she studied me. This went on for a few minutes before she looked me straight in the face.

"Your name is Matt, correct?" She asked.

"Y-Yes that would be me." I answered worried.

"Mhm." She Just hummed. Looking back down at her tablet.

"What are you going to do to me?" I stupidly asked. She look back up at me.

"Well if you really want to know, we're going to study you. Perhaps try some tests on you. Nothing bad. The tests are more like, how does this type of food effect you or what you think about a certain drink. All that weird, simple stuff. Nothing to worry about." She answers sweetly, while typing more on her tablet.

I smiled at her response but something inside of me told me she was wrong. She turned and walked out before a different scientist came in. This time it was a man. He walked over to me and hooked me up it a machine. It looked like a heart monitor. Then he clicked a few buttons on the machine. It beeped and the scientist ran out excitedly.

What's with him? Then I over hear him talking with what sounded like the female scientist from earlier.

"His blood is perfect. It can withstand the serum. We just have to insert it and we can watch how he evolves from there!" He chirped happily.

"Fine then. But before you do anything, go consult this with William." The woman said sounding bored. I heard the man run off but not soon after the woman walked in. She came up to me and smiled.

"You probably over heard him, hm? Well then. Can't have you freaking out durning the test." She smiled before knocking me out with a crowbar.

•~Edd's POV~•

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