Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next morning, I wake up and check my phone. Another text from Luca.

L: Good morning Beautiful.

M: Good morning Dom.

L: You working today?

M: No. Don't work weekends.

L: On my way into work now. Can I call you tonight?

M: Sure. Be safe today.

L: Yes ma'am. Talk to you tonight.

I walk into the kitchen with my phone and see Casey sitting at the island looking at her phone. "Morning." I say. "Morning." she says, looking up at me. "Heard from your man this morning?" she asks smirking. "He's not my man but yes. He texted me this morning." I say. "I heard you talking to him pretty late last night." she tells me. I look at her and say "We were just talking." She looks at me and says "Yeah and I saw you when you saw his name on your screen. You smiled. A real smile." she tells me. "I'm not getting my hopes up. It was just a conversation." I tell her.

Sitting on the back deck, I'm just staring out at the yard when my phone rings. Not looking at the caller ID I answer "Hello?" I hear a voice I didn't need to hear. "Hey Molly." I sit there shocked for a minute before speaking. "What do you want Tanner?" I ask. "I thought we'd talk for a minute." he says. "And why would I want to do that?" I ask. "I miss you." he says. "Really now. You didn't miss me when you broke up with me. Or when you moved on with someone else." I say. "I was wrong. I never should have left you." he tells me. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask. "I want you back." He tells me. "No. I can't go through that again." I tell him. "You know you want me back. I'm the only on that will put up with your fat ass. No one else wants you so come on, take me back." he tells me. "No." I say as I hang up the phone with tears in my eyes.

I'm sitting there, still staring off into the backyard when the sun goes down. I wipe the tears from my eyes when my phone starts ringing. I look at the screen and see Luca's name. I don't answer and it goes to voicemail. It starts ringing again and I let it go to voicemail again. After that, I see a text come across the screen.

L: Are you okay?

L: Did I do something?

L: Please let me know you're okay.

M: I'm okay. I'll talk to you later.

L: Okay. Goodnight Beautiful. I'm here if you need anything.

M: Goodnight Dom.

The tears start falling again. Tanner was right. No one is going to want me. I'm still sitting out there when Casey walks outside. "You okay?" she asks as she takes the chair next to me. "No. I'm not." I tell her honestly. "What happened? Is it Luca?" she asks. "No. I sorta blew him off." I tell her. "Why? I thought you liked talking to him." she asks. "I do but...Tanner called." I tell her. "Shit. What did he want?" she asks. "Wanted to get back together. Telling me that he missed me." I tell her. "Please tell me you aren't going back to him?" she asks. "No. I told him I wasn't going through that again." I tell her. "Okay good but why did you blow Luca off?" she asks. "Tanner told me that no one would want my fat ass. He's right. I don't know why I thought that I could move on." I say before getting up and heading back inside.

I didn't even realize that I had forgotten my phone on the table. I head to bed and lay there crying myself to sleep. Casey picks up my phone and calls Luca. "Hey Beautiful. You okay?" he asks as he answers the phone. "Hey Luca. It's Casey." I say. "Hey. Is everything okay?" he asks. "Not really. I need to talk to you about Molly." she says. "I'm listening." he says. "Molly has seemed happier these last few days since she's been talking to you. But she got a phone call tonight that set her back. Her ex, he used to put her down and tell her that no one would want her. He called her wanting her back and she said no. I think that has to be because of you. But he said some things to her that's messing with her head." she tells him. "What can I do to help her?" he asks. "Don't give up on her. Be patient with her. He's said some mean shit to her over these last couple of years. She doesn't think very highly of herself. She needs someone that's going to be good to her." she tells him. "I'll be good to her. I like her, Casey. Whatever I can do to help." he says. "Thanks Luca. I better go. She doesn't know I called you." she says. "Thanks for letting me know." he says before they end the call.

The next morning, I get up and realize I don't have my phone. I walk out to the kitchen and see it sitting on the island. Getting a cup of coffee, I pick up my phone as I sit at the island. Seeing the screen, there's a text from Luca.

L: Good morning Beautiful. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you.

M: Good morning.

L: How are you feeling this morning?

M: I'm okay. Be safe.

L: I will. Can I call you tonight?

M: I don't know if that's a good idea.

L: We can just talk as friends.

M: Just give me a few days. Okay.

L: Okay. I'm here if you need anything.

M: Thanks Dom.

I put the phone down and the tears start falling again. Casey walks in and sees me crying again and just walks over to me and pulls me to her. "Talk to me Mol." she says. "I'm okay." I say as I pull away and wipe the tears away. "No you aren't. Now talk." she says. Sitting back down at the island, I look back at my cup of coffee. "Luca texted me this morning. I don't know if I can keep talking to him." I tell her. "Why not?" she asks. "Tanner's right. You saw him. Why would he want anything to do with me?" I ask. "Why not?" she asks and I just look at her. "Not all guys are like Tanner. He's an ass. You deserve better than that. Luca's a good guy. I see how your face lights up when you see him texting or calling and I've seen the texts. He's always calling you beautiful. You talking to him is a good thing. Don't let that asshole keep you from being happy. Text Luca and let him know you're okay." she tells me. She leaves me alone and I pick up my phone and send him a text.

M: I'm sorry about earlier. I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay.

L: You wanna talk about it? I have a few minutes.

M: I don't want to bother you at work. Tonight?

L: I'll call you as soon as I get off work. But if you need me, don't hesitate to call me.

M: I won't. Thanks Luca. But seriously. I'm sorry about earlier.

L: Nothing to be sorry for. I'll talk to you soon Beautiful.

I put the phone down and just sit there. I don't know what I'm gonna do. 

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